Increase In Weekly Deaths Linked To Coronavirus Is Missing  Crucial Details Of Underlying Issues

Increase In Weekly Deaths Linked To Coronavirus Is Missing Crucial Details Of Underlying Issues

By Tony O’Riley-

The  latest report of  weekly deaths linked to coronavirus rising in England and Wales for the sixth week is missing detailed information linked to underlying issues.

The Office Of National Statistic revealed  that a total of 670 deaths were registered in the week ending 16 October with COVID-19 mentioned on the death certificate – compared with 438 the week before.

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Sky News reports that it is the highest number of registered deaths involving coronavirus since the week ending 19 June, but does not tell us what other comorbidities are involved in the deaths involving Covid-19.

Registered deaths involving coronavirus are on the up in every region of England,  according to the figures, and so are deaths involving other illnesses.    Increases in  COVID-19 deaths of 229  in the North West is also requiring full details of other illnesses attached to it.

Notable rises of deaths in Yorkshire, Humber, and Wales are worrying, but must also be put in accurate context. Information about other illnesses involved in these deaths and the duration of the illnesses is vital to give the right picture of the seriousness of the pandemic.

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In Wales, the number of deaths involving COVID-19 increased from 37 deaths the previous week to 47 deaths in the week ending 16 October.

Death Certificates

A total of 59,927 deaths have so far been registered in the UK where COVID-19 was MENTIONED on the death certificate, including suspected cases. The key word here is mentioned, but that can mean many things. One of the things it could mean is the presence of lots of other complications.

It could also potentially mean COID-19 being slapped on the certificate in cases where doctors observe flu like symptoms which isn’t anything more than that. Without thorough examination and proper accountability, we can’t be fully sure what’s going on. We know we are in the middle of a pandemic, but there are also many serious questions that need answers, which are slow moving.

A total of 61,116 deaths involving COVID-19 have reportedly  taken place in the UK, with 34,709 deaths (63.9%) occurred in hospitals, followed by care homes with 15,819 and private homes with 2,594. Thousands of those who died in care homes were suffering from serious other illnesses, the duration of which is yet to be made public.

More information is necessary to help us assess the effects of COVID-19 in the Uk

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