Basildon Magistrates Representative Tampered With Judge Order To Rogue Landlord

Basildon Magistrates Representative Tampered With Judge Order To Rogue Landlord

By Gavin Mackintosh-

Basildon Crown Court tampered with a court order in 2019  sent to Rogue landlord Robert Crow, The Eye Of Media.Com can reveal.

Following a conviction for breaches to Hmo, the notorious landlord was given two separate court orders for a criminal Behavioural Order following breaches to an Hmo. The first court order in September 2019 prohibited him from having visitors at his property, except family members, like siblings. It permitted him to have a partner visit the property, but nobody else. Two weeks later on 18th Of September, the order was amended to include ‘residents’. It read, no visitors or residents are permitted in the property.

Basildon Magistrates  Court told the Eye Of Media.Com that the change was made on the advise of the court’s legal team. However, inquiries made by this organisation revealed that whilst mr.Crow was prosecuted for breaching the order which prohibited him from visitors or residents, their official record had him as being prohibited from having visitors according to verbal and written information given to us.

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Phone calls made by two separate members of our team confirmed mr.Crow was not allowed visitors at the property.  When the matter was further probed on separate occasions by different members, it emerged a second order had been amended by the legal team of the court. The reason for the amendment has not been established or why the amendment was not approved by a judge

As part of our investigation, we consulted one of the lawyers we work with, but who did not want to be named. He told The Eye Of Media.Com: ‘

‘ An order made by a judge in a court of law can only be changed if returned to a judge for amendment. A judge can amend an order if he deemed it absolutely necessarily, but would not just make an arbitrary amendment to an order except to clarify something that appears ambiguous Usually, a hearing would need to take place before a judge can change an order.

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In the event of an amendment made, it will be subsequently stamped. Nobody else has the authority to change an order by a judge”.

The discovery was made after the vilified landlord dramatically claimed that the court order had been illegally tampered with. This issue was first raised to this organisation in 2019, but wasn’t taken seriously because of mr.Crow’s  alarming failings in running his property efficiently. He was told at the time that there is no way it could have been changed like he claimed.

However, the 70 year old became a lot more distressed last December, claiming to be suicidal and accusing our organisation of refusing to examine his claims. An investigation into mr Crows complaint had been started by this organisation, but discontinued after we concluded he was mainly to blame for his problems. It was stepped up again early in December 2019, as we properly examined some of the notorious landlord’s grievances, while bearing in mind his own obvious failings.


Crow has been left in huge Mortgage arrears since his housing benefits was stopped in 2019 following the Criminal Behavioural Order. Two of  of his properties have now been repossessed and sold,  the remaining two  are waiting to be taken off him following the arrears.Visits by our publication to mr.Crow’s property revealed largely messy environment with some out of date food in his fridge which was becoming mouldy.

However, Crow who claims to be a humanitarian did provide rooms for others, some of whom had nowhere else to live. Southend Borough Council has taken mr.Crow to court on numerous occasions, securing an fines of £44,000 and £36,000 consecutively in 2016 and 2019. The fines were dropped last September when it became clear to the courts that  mr.Crow was broke.

All his previous residents except two have been forced to leave the property when the landlords electric supply was removed by energy supplier Eon following irregularities .Police was called to Crow’s property over 50 times in 2018- a record high for one single property.

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