By James Simons
Rogue landlord, Robert Crow is panicking over a fines hearing coming up on Monday.Crow, who turned 70 last week, accuses his neighbours of conspiring with Southend Borough Council in an attempt to close him down.
The notorious Essex landlord has been inundated with court cases for the best part of the last 6 months, and has successfully adjourned about four of those cases, citing illness in the form of diarhhea caused through poor feeding due to his lack of income ever since Southend Council stopped his payments. The council say he has flouted their rules and improvement notices to his property, and have successfully taken him to court on two occasions where he has been slapped with heavy fines totalling £90k.
With mortgage arrears mounting, he has scrapped his £520 monthly pension to lessen his arrears every month, but he is still in arrears. Two of his lenders, platform and Mortgage works, have court orders on his property, and require him to pay hundreds of pounds each month to stay afloat with his payments . He also is in arrears on two other flats which have not yet escalated to stage of court orders on the property.
His angry neighbours are desperate to see him closed down and are angry with the council and Essex police for taking too little action to see him closed down. With three more court cases pending between now and June, including a CBO order in April and an appeal for one of his fines for breaching requirements as the manager of an HMO property, he is an angry and desperate man in limbo. He and his neighbours have recently called the police on each other, him accusing them of constant;y taking photographs of him to send to the council, and they accusing him and his residents of constant nuisance and intimidating behaviour.
Mr Crowe told The Eye Of Media.Com: ”I think there is a criminal conspiracy to close me down, and this is unfair. I am being subjected to ongoing harassment and torture, why should I be up in court for a fines hearing when I have an appeal pending? This is conspiracy, and I am panicking like hell because I can’t even afford a lawyer to represent me. I am still trying to get friends or family members to loan me money for a lawyer. I may eventually have to use a duty solicitor from the Magistrates Court, but how can I trust them. This is unfair, it makes me very angry”.
A neighbour of mr.Crow told us:
” Mr Crow is a deluded man. He is the problem in this area. He shouldn’t have anybody in that property, but he is acting with impunity and I can’t believe the council and the police has let him get away with it. He stands right outside his flat on his mobile phone pointing at our properties for us to him, and makes derogatory comments aloud for us to hear, effectively provoking us. He is ruining the peace on this road.
The back of his garden is a fire hazard, and many of the neighbours close to him dread the day somebody will light them all up out of spite. He has been told to clear it, but has done nothing. He has a criminal behaviour order which he has flouted constantly, he should have been arrested for it by now”. The beleaguered landlord says he hasn’t got the energy or means to clear the dump at the back of his garden on his own, but says he will be working on it.
Mr Crow insists the criminal behavioural order is funded on false grounds. ”That order is based on a pack of lies. If my residents are causing the neighbours a nuisance, the law should pursue them, not pursue me, I am an old man, how can I monitor that lot if they refuse to comply. I have got some of them out, but the rest refuse to leave even when I have told them. I have asked the police to remove those I don’t want, but they say it is a civil matter, yet I am being taken to court for not abiding by the order.
This is all a travesty, a humanitarian like me accommodating the homeless is being victimised. ”
Mr.crow has put in a formal complain of harassment to the police against one of his neighbours, and three of them have previously accused his friend of intimidation and using racist language against a black associate of hers and intimidation. His friend has been charged to court for the offence, which he denies.