Princess Diana Documentary Was Damaging For Charles And Camilla

Princess Diana Documentary Was Damaging For Charles And Camilla

By Charlotte Webster-

The documentary aired on Channel 4: ‘Diana in her own words’ was damaging for Prince Charles and Camilla in every way.

It presented Charles as a man unfit to be King, even though it his birth right. A reminder of the way Charles treated her makes very sad reading for the 3.5m viewers who watched the documentary at peak time on Sunday.

As ever, Diana comes across as the victim of plot to ruin a marriage doomed from the start because Charles never really loved her. Much of the British public already knew a lot about her failed marriage, but the younger generation would have got a strong feeling ofpain and disappointment about her treatment from the Royal family. Diana was a beautiful, intelligent, and caring woman from a divorced background herself. All she ever wanted was to be loved, just like every woman deserves. She was a very loving woman, but her love was not reciprocated by the man she loves.

A basic rule of thumb is that nobody should marry someone they don’t love, rasing legitimate wuestions as to why the Peince of Wales married her. The future king of a country is expected to uphold high standards of principles to be emulated by those over whom he rules, but the world knows differently about a man who once iinsinuated that he didn’t love her, even if he did not actually say so. When Prince Charles responded to a question about he and Diana being in love by saying ”whatever in love means” , he broke the fundamental rule that underlies every marriage.

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As the oath of marriage goes ” to love and to cherish” ”in sickness and in health”, till death do us part”, marriage is a serious undertaking thay must never be taken lightly. Charles inadvertently announced to the world that he didn’t mean a word of those vows, thereby underming the very essence of marriage, despite going on to marry Camilla. The world’s society has developed in similar fashion, no wonder so many many marriages fail woefully. Celebrities do well to achieve an envied position of wealth and fame only to show themselves miserably hopeless in chosing a marriage partner.

The vows they make before the world obviously counts for little, but thn again, the lives of celebrities have never been a standard by which we would be guided to follow. With so much money and fame comes temptations , weaknesses, and often waywardness. Royals are expected to know better because they are in a much bigger and respected position in society.


It will be almost impossible for the British public to ever accept Camilla as Queen, and has already led to calls for the Monarchy to be abolished. It is doubtful that call will ever happen, but what the future of the Royal family holds after this is anybody’s guess. Diana was left isolated to deal with the tough life of being a princess in the limelight. A princess virtually dumped by her husband with no meaningful assistance coming from anywhere, even the Queen had no words of consolation or advice for her except to say that Charles, the expected future king, was ”useless”. Why then should the British public accept someone useless as King just because of who he was born to? Or why would they accept the woman he married as Queen when she was not the original and legitimate wife? Camilla effectively recked Diana’s marriage to Charles, making a crowded marriage, as Diana put it. Is she expected to be Queen with this messy history hanging over her?

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The loving woman called Diana was told by her husband that he refused ”to be the only prince who never had a mistress”, demonstrating very little, if any, concenn for the feelings of the man he married. Their sons, Harry and Williams, have had to grow up with this knowledge, and surely would not believe their father’s attitude to their mother was right. Neither Harry nor William would have got away with cheating on any of their girlfriends without rounded criticism. Williams will never publicly claim to be looking at another woman besides Kate Middleton. Harry will not have two girlfriends at once like many promiscuous guys do today without a second thought. The sad reality is that the interference with Diana’s marriage, eventually led to her death because she wouldn’t have been with Dodi if all went well with Charles.


That’s the sad tale of a marriage that really should never have happened between Charles and Diana. Most people will struggl to see why Charles preferred Camilla to Diana, Diana surely outshines her in every sense. This being the case, Camilla must clearly have been flattered by the extra attention from Charles, and would have relished the opportunity to undertake a coup and crash their marriage, as she eventually succeded in doing. The programme took the country back several decades to commemorate the 20th anniversary of a death that should have been avoided, and was right to be broadcast. I was under 8 years of age when Diana died, and woud not have had a deep understanding of what she went through, despite reading some materials about this in past times. The younger generation needed to be given a fresh look at the woman adored by millions, who died because she was driven in the wrong direction to a relationship that would eventually lead to her death.

The controversy about whether the programme should have been aired was understandable, but the country have the right to have nothing hidden from them, and to understand exacly how she felt in every sense of the word. Yes, the secret tapes taken by her speech coach were privately recorded, but Diana was very smart, smart enough to know they may one day be leaked. She may even have privately flirted with that idea, because we know she spoke freely about her life in a 1995 panaroma, and then endorsed a book written about her by permitting her friends to contribute to it.

Some members of the team at the eye of gently debated the issue last Friday night in Green Park, West London, and the privacy issue is to be explored further in an aricle on this site. However, even those holding opposing views to me had to admit that most of how one views the decision to broadcast it will be influenced by their own take on it. Channel 4 would have been driven by ratings and money, but also possibly by a genuine desire for nothing to be left unknown or hidden.

After all, this is a woman who touched the lives of many, and the man who let her down stands to be king one day and marry the woman who through a spanner in Diana’s works. The public, both young an dold deserve to be fully aware of all the history, so they can decide how to shape their opinions if ever Camilla was to step into the position of Queen. The public and commentators should also think and analyse in retrospect how the Royal family should have dealth with Diana’s feelingof lonliness and rejection. It makes me wonder whether nobody felt they could talk to Charles and remind him of what was expected of a Royal in his position, unless Royals are expected to act as they please without rebuke. The public whose taxes pay the Royal family, have a right to gain a complete picture of the Royal family, so that they don’t have a distorted perspective of reality.

Diana was a blessing to the Royal family, who on all accounts have since then been more in touch with that public than they were before the princess’s death.
If Diana were to be told of the documentary from beyond the grave, the chances is that she would give a thumbs up to Channel 4 for the broadcast.

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