Princess Diana Killed In Mercedes Written Off By Insurance Company

Princess Diana Killed In Mercedes Written Off By Insurance Company

By Wayne Lee-

Princess Diana was killed in a Mercedes written off by an insurance company, it has sensationally been revealed.

A former chauffer to and from the Paris Ritz hotel, has told in an elaborate interview with The Mirror, how his warnngs about the car were not heeded. His account suggests that princess Diana may have died due to the sheer negligence of the firm’ security who were supposed to be looking after her.

Karim Kazi said he had been pointing out faults with the car since 1997, before Diana died. He said ”for me it was a car that did not work very well.

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Kazi said the car was an accident waiting to happen, after it rolled up to 10 times by a prisoner out on remand, and was written off by an insurance company.The car was also stolen by thieves, but eventually found with the fittings and parts stripped, including the power steering.

It was eventually repaired for £15,000 and put back on the road. He told the Mirror : “I’m a very safe driver who is experienced at driving cars very fast. This one had trouble sticking to the road. It was a very bad car o drive all the time. There was something very wrong with it”.

”When the car sped up, it would lose control. There was no dynamic control. It was certainly risky if driven at more than 60 k/h. This should have been a problem for Mercedes to sort out”. Other people were in charge of the security of princess Diana, it was up to them to decide how she travelled”, he said.

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His account is a depressing and regrettable tale of carlessness, if not recklessness. Diana, who had just returned from the Meditaranean with her boyfriend, Dodi Fayed had been driven in a Jeep all evening. Only later, did Dodi decide to change cars in order to be more discreet and evade the papparazzi .

His choice of taking a car battered by acidents on numerable occassions was tragic. He should have known about the history of the car, or someboy who knew should have prevented it. The son of a billionaire, one would think that car should have been disposed of, an another purchased. The faiure to do so may have caused both lovers their lives.

Conspiracy theories floated around for years alleging a deliberate premeditated murder being covered up. However, this account points to am accident caused by the failure to act properly and sensibly.

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