Americans Disapprove With Plans To Repeal Obama Care

Americans Disapprove With Plans To Repeal Obama Care

By Aaron Miller-

A majority of Americans disapprove with plans of Republican lawmakers’ to repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement, according to a poll released Friday.

The poll released on Friday by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 75 percent of Americans want lawmakers to leave Obamacare as it is, or repeal it only when they can replace it with a new health care law. Only 20% of those polled say that want to see the law killed immediately.
The finding makes sense considering the stupidity of repealing a health care system without replacing it with a better one.
 Drew Altman, CEO of the Kaiser Family Foundation told reporters that the poll shows law makers don’t have a strong mandate to repeal Obamcare. Altman is right, and it would make law makers appear irresponsible if they repealled an existing health care system before confirming the active existence of another that achieves an end that the first system failed to achieve.
Americans can be very unpredictable people, with President-elect Trump, seen as one of the mot unpredictble presidents of all time.
President-elect Donald Trump was very critical of Obama care during his presidential campaign and former U.S.A president, Bill Clinton also jumped on the bandwagon of criticism despite the fact Obama had been vehemently supporting and camoaigning for his wife.
Trump is expected to be Inaugurated on January 20-just over 2 weeks away. Oncehe comes into power, it will become clear eactly how he will run the country. There is a growing feeling in some quarters that he will be stopped from taking office due to concerns about his political proclivities, but it will take some extr ordinary intervention to stop him.
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