Mental Health Issues destroying Teenagers And Adults

Mental Health Issues destroying Teenagers And Adults

By Charlotte Webster
Mental health issues are more serious than many of us think. They are destroying alot of children and adults inthe UK, and indeed, the world.
Many of us are blissfully ignorant of the full scale of mental health, but it is a cancer in society. Everytime a child or parent scream more than is necessary, they may be displying signs of mental health.
There are definitely occassions that warrant shouting and screaming, but those who find themsleves doing this more often than necessary, may want to take a second look at themselves.
 The scary thing is that alot of the people we sometimes spend our time and energy getting angry with, can easily be sufferersof mental health. The statistic that 1 in every 4 people suffer from mental health f one form of another is  one to take seriously.
Teenagers in particular can be prone to mental health easier than adults.  In other words, it is easier for mental health to start from childhood and continue into adulthood. Extended anger from sexual  relationships, issues with parents, teachers, friends, can all complicate the state of mind of a teenager. Add to that the tendency for many teenagers to experiment with drugs, and the complexity of the problem becomes clearer.   Many times we see a number of young people in the streets screaming their heads off and swearing for whatever reason. Unknown to these people, there is often an underlying problem of mental health , originating from a wide range of historical issues in their lives. Being conscious of mental health and some of its symptoms can help defeat or minimise mental health issues .The steps taken to combat mental health is very helpful in keeping one’s mental state in good health.  Information about mental health is scarce these days, but available. Full understanding can actually be a useful tool in addressing mental health issues whenever its symptoms show up.
Symptoms of mental health incude prolonged anger,  extremestress, irrational reasoning and communication, disorientated mindset, and many more Some individuals show more of these symptoms at a time. Bullying and name calling in school can lead to mental health problems for the victim, or contribute to it. Considering that the pressure of acdemics can itself be daunting and stressful on some students, bullying on top of that can be very harmful to the mental well being of an individual. Many teenagers take mental health problems into their adult life and do not even realise it. They react to everything angrily, walk with an angry face, ready to go to prison over silly things. Many teenagers and adults actually take their mental health issues into their relationships and make life a nightmare for their partner.  Susan Thomas, a mental health expert in West London, told the eye of
mental health is one of the most unrecognised illness in society today. It affects so many teenagers and adults, and only a small percentage of them are aware of it.  The causes of mental health are broad ranging ,  anything can trigger mental health problems and mental health issues do not automatically disappear without treatment. Mental health. Bullying at school, at home, or by a partner, for instance, can trigger mental health problems.
The first step to treating mental health is being aware of its presence”.  Eating the right food is one god remedy to the ills of mental health. Foods that are good for the mond and the brain for instance, energizes the mind into addressing any lingering mental health problem. There are adults, even intelligent adults who suffer from mental health issues. Some of them fluctuate in their moods and intelligent operation to acts of crazines sor stupidity. Anger is a natural thing for human beings, but how and why you express anger is sometimes an indicator of mental health issues. Many women who have been killed by their partners had partners with serious mental health issues, but the partner was not aware of it. She may have also been a lower level sufferer of mental health too. Many adults who are aware of the reality if mental health issues are addressing their problem. Many more are not aware of their mental health issue.
I have met adults who are very calm and polite at first, until they show another ugly and very different side. They are not necessarily suffering from skitzoprenia, rather they have mental health issues. Skitsoprenia is an extreme form of mental health that  in which a dangerous split peronality is evident. However, there are many people whose mental health condition make them appear very polite and courteous, easily fooling many that they are decent human beings. In fact, they know the basic rules of civil behaviour, and are able to fronte extremely well until the fronting becomes a habit. Once sucked into their comfort, a big surprise may await those who fall for their  charming exteriror .
Eating properly, sleeping well, and evaluating one’s actions and responses in a calm logical way, goes a long way to protecting your mental health. The stark reality is that most of the time, sufferers of mental health  are victims of other people’s behaviour somewhere in their past. This web of  internal and external attack over a number years often lead many teenagers and adults to develop mental health issues, and in many cases plant the seeds in other people’s lives without even knowing.
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