Why Excess Deaths During Pandemic Published By ONS Fails To Feature Exaggerated Covid-19 Stats

Why Excess Deaths During Pandemic Published By ONS Fails To Feature Exaggerated Covid-19 Stats

By Gabriel Princewill-

The Office Of National Statistics has published additional deaths that occurred during the pandemic , but unsurprisingly excluded exaggerated figures of deaths caused by Covid-19.

There are no recorded facts on exaggerated Covid deaths, but it is beyond dispute that too many death certificates had Covid-19 written on them, when in fact there was another predominant cause of death.

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The UK government admitted in August 2020 that it may stop counting Covid -19 deaths over claims of exaggeration after former health Secretary Matt Hancock called for an investigation over the matter.

Academics  decried  the system of calculation by the government health agency after patients who tested positive for coronavirus, but were successfully treated, were still counted as dying from the virus “even if they had a heart attack, or were run over by a bus three months later”.

The system was eventually changed to include only those who died within 28 days of testing positive for Covid-19., in what was a major tacit admission of number fiddling in the system. How professional experts can confused being knocked over by a bus for dying from Covid-19 is anybody’s guess.

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Officials from the ONS told The Eye Of Media.Com that they are only obliged to count Covid-19 related deaths in consistence with what was put on death certificates by certified medical doctors- many of whom conducted no proper assessment of causation, but attributed the death of all patients to the deadly virus, provided they had tested positive for Covid-19.

The fact  a number of  covid-19  related deaths were precipitated  by other underlying  causative factors  in many cases was problematic for some  genuine medics and analysts, also affected by the widely reported news of Covid-19 deaths.

Indeed, some patients with other illnesses would have lived longer, had they not been infected with Covid-19, but in the absence of  a collective appraisal factually and objectively distinguishing deaths caused by or considerably affected by Covid-19, it became impossible to ascertain the true state of affairs during various stages of the pandemic.

Research showed that public confidence in the credibility of the official  figures announced took a knock during the pandemic in the UK, and there was wide skepticism about the veracity of the news being reported, this sometimes detracting from the seriousness of the virus which definitely killed many people. The problem was the distorted figures and the relentless  morbid news coverage, reasonably construed by many to be fearmongering in many quarters.

The ONS has today revealed that between March 2020 and December 2021, 133,623 more people  reportedly died in England and Wales compared to the average from 2015-2019.

However, there is no consensus as to the reasons more people than usual died during that period.

A number of independent researchers not affiliated with either the government or the mainstream media have concluded that deaths during the pandemic were a mixture of people dying from Covid-19 and others dying because their non covid related treatment were not being attended to by hospitals due to an overload of overall patients.

It is a well known fact among members of the British public that Covid-19 deaths were massively exaggerated during the pandemic, both deliberately and recklessly.

Many patients who died with other comorbidities, but also had Covid-19, were included in statistical compilations of those who died with Covid-19, this making it very difficult to establish the true figures of those dying with the virus, despite official figures.

The mixture of covid-19 deaths with those whose death were contributed to by other factors was problematic for even genuine medics because of the  not unreasonable view in many professional circles  that in many cases, covid-19 hastened the death of those who had other underlying  illnesses, but would have lived much longer had they not caught Covid-19.

The above conclusion is true in some cases, but not in many, and the fact genuine covid  deaths influenced by other factors were all bundled together, knocked public confidence in the credibility of the official  figures announced, no matter the official statements or media headlines.

In February 2021, a funeral doctor slammed official covid -19deaths, describing it as a national scandal, after several bereaved families poured out their hearts to The Daily Mail.

The month earlier, MP Desmond  Swayne minced no words in announcing that coronavirus statistics were being overstated. At the time, deputy Labour leader, MP Angela Rayner, wrote to party chairman Amanda Milling about the MP Swayne’s comments, describing his comments as ”extremely concerning”, and asking for action to be taken against the veteran MP.  She also pushed for the MP to apologize, but he never did, arguably because he had nothing to apologize for.

MP Swayne was also accused of giving legitimacy to anti-vaxxers, though he later insisted that he was ”the most enthusiastic vaccinator” going.

Today’s publication from the ONS  about excess deaths during the pandemic  are useful to know, but it must be made clear that they have no substantive bearing on the true number of people who died as a result of the pandemic. Information about excess deaths during the pandemic is nevertheless useful to have

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) describes a phenomenon of ‘mortality displacement’, in which a period of high excess deaths can be followed by below-average figures, as some vulnerable people die sooner than expected, meaning they don’t die in the following weeks or months.

Heightened anxiety and stress is also believed to have contributed to the deaths of numerous ill individuals during a time when access to hospitals were far less than during normal times.

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