Woman Who Beat Cancer Stars At Inter-Racial One Love Festival In Hainault

By Gabriel Princewill-

Wendy Walker, a woman who beat cancer has starred at a reggae inter racial three day festival, which spilled over into the fourth day on Monday.

Wendy Walker starred at the One love festival in Hainault – a festival which commenced on Friday all the way to Sunday, and spilled into Monday. The festival featured other upcoming artists, all of whom ignited a vibrant atmosphere of reggae celebration over a packed three day period.

An abundance of food was present at the festival- all for sale- and the annual event was set up to celebrate reggae music. Walker, whose musical career in the 90’s was scuppered by cancer, managed to beat the deadly disease after medical treatment.

1112102002 (1)A professional singing aspirant from the tender age of 10 , Walker was motivated by UK television shows like “Opportunity Knocks” and “Top of the Pops”. Interestingly, she was no fan of music in her formative years at school because what she was taught was not palatable to her taste of music.

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Wendy states, “music was one of the subjects I didn’t like in school because it didn’t reflect the music I liked to sing or listening too, that being Lovers Rock, Reggae or even R&B”.

”In school , I used to hide in the toilets hoping not to get caught by her music teacher whilst skipping parts of the lesson. I liked singing in the toilets because of the acoustic sound the toilets made.!

”One day my music teacher one day caught Wendy in the toilets singing and allowed me to complete my song before issuing me a detention. After that, she entered me into every school musical she could to give me confidence to sing before a crowd”.

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Wendy went on to sing in various competitions until she was recognized by DJ’s who sent her in the direction of Anthony Brightly of Sir George Records. Wendy approached Anthony Brightly with no demo tape and was sent away to return with a demo after various attempts to obtain an appointment with Anthony. Anthony became Wendy’s manager and in 1990 collaborated with Spider Johnson releasing first hit “Gone he’s Gone”.


Wendy’s first single went straight to number 2 in the reggae charts, and was now recognized as a Lovers Rock Artist. Performing all over the UK, on the same bill as leading UK’s Lovers Rock artistes, including; Peter Spence, Louisa Marks, Mike Anthony, Michael Gordon, Winsome and many more.

wendyIn 1991, Wendy received an award for “Best Female New Comer” at The British Reggae Awards ceremony. A mile stone for her as she was told she would make it as a singer by her father.

Further popular single relates like “Stop playing around” also written by Spider Johnson in 1990 and released by Sir George Records, ” Make my dream a reality” We got one” then her biggest hit ever “Your Love”. Wendy Walker has toured Europe including countries like Germany and Sweden performing alongside The Wailers, Los Del Rio, Chaka Demus and Pliers and Shaba Ranks. In 1992 Wendy was nominated for “Best Female Artist” with high odds to win.

Unfortunately Wendy came second place. Walker moved on from Sir George Records and signed with Ariwa Records and Manager Mad Professor to work on her first albums completing songs like Mellow, Feelings killing me, Sad Girls, Perfect Angel, Spend some time together. The album wasn’t released due to some miss understanding with Neil Frazer.

wendy Wendy then worked with MGM studio’s putting together tracks for an album but the scout left the company. Leaving plans for an album up in the air. More devastating news in 2001 was when Wendy Walker was diagnosed with life threatening Hodgkins Lymphoma Cancer which developed a 17 cm mass in her chest. This kept her away from the music as she battled for 3 years before given the all clear after intense chemotherapy and radio therapy.

After a recovery which included the regeneration of muscles, hair and tissue and spiritual healing, Walker was opportuned with a few appearances where she could showcase her innate talent and appetite for music.

Unfortunately, whilst undergoing treatment, she lost her father in-law, and watched her niece and brother suffering from the same deadly disease. Wendy kept her strength to perform at venue such as Oceans in 2004. Wendy also was one of the original line up to of the first show of the “Kings and of lovers Rock” and continues to have the love of lovers rock music and God at the core of motivations and strength.

She returned to the studio in 2009 and collaborated with Lindel Lewis to release the single “First cut is the deepest” on Big People’s music. Walker went on to make appearances at the O2 in 2010 Queens of Lovers Rock, Jazz cafe, The Garage and more recently the One Love Festival 2016.

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