University Students Advised To Look Out For Unscrupulous Individuals Who Spike Drinks For Sex

University Students Advised To Look Out For Unscrupulous Individuals Who Spike Drinks For Sex

By Sheila Mckenzie And Gavin Mackintosh-

University female students are being advised to be on the look out for men who may spike their drinks for sex, or offer them very strong alcohol in a bid to sexually exploit them.

St John Ambulance in conjunction with The Eye Of Media.Com is  encouraging new and returning students to always be alert when out socialising, and learn how to spot the warning signs in their friends – so they can enjoy their nights out safely.

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St John  is urging new and returning students to be aware of spiking and to ‘look out for each other’.

The charity shares its night safety advice to university students, including what to do if you’re spiked:

. Keep safe by staying together when you’re out with friends  
Pace yourself. Keep an eye on how much you and your friends are drinking.

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Many bars and nightclubs (and many universities) offer bottle ‘bungs’ like a cork which can prevent drinks being spiked – ask for one. 

Don’t accept drinks from strangers, especially after you have had a few drinks 

If you think you or a friend has been spiked, make sure to alert bar or event staff and the police, including reporting any suspicious behaviour.

Call 999 and get medical help, especially if there is a loss of consciousness, breathing difficulties, or abnormal or impaired sight.

.  If you have used recreational drugs or drunk a lot of alcohol, it’s important to tell your friends what you have taken and when and get medical help from event staff if you need it.

Plan your route home—book taxis or download a rideshare app if trains or buses are not running.

Most of all, look out for each other so you can end the night safely.

As thousands of students return to university, some beginning as freshers for the first time, the temptation to be sexually adventurous can be very strong, with some pursuing sinister means of gratifying their unrestrained tendencies.


For countless young adults, the transition to university is an exhilarating and transformative experience.

It marks the beginning of newfound independence, lifelong friendships, and academic pursuits.

Amid the excitement, it is crucial to address an issue that, while often uncomfortable to discuss, is paramount for student well-being: staying safe in social situations, particularly when it comes to alcohol consumption and romantic encounters.

Universities have long been regarded as hubs of intellectual growth, personal development, and social engagement.

However, they have not been immune to issues related to alcohol consumption and sexual encounters.

Historical records and studies have shed light on these challenges and the need for heightened awareness.

In the past, university campuses were often male-dominated, and the social dynamics of the time contributed to an environment where some individuals took advantage of their positions of power.

Female students faced challenges in voicing their concerns and seeking support. As societies evolved, so did the expectations regarding gender equality, consent, and personal boundaries.

Understanding the Risks

Today, universities strive to create inclusive and safe environments, but it is essential for students, especially females, to remain vigilant and informed.

Alcohol-related incidents, including the spiking of drinks, can occur, and students should be aware of the potential risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption.

One of the key concerns involves individuals who may attempt to take advantage of others by rendering them incapacitated through alcohol or other means.

Such actions are not only unethical but also illegal. Consent, in any sexual encounter, must be freely given, informed, enthusiastic, and mutual. Inebriation can cloud judgment and impair one’s ability to give genuine consent.

The Role of Alcohol

Alcohol has long played a central role in the social fabric of university life. It can serve as a social lubricant, easing social interactions and facilitating bonding among students. However, its misuse can lead to risky situations, health problems, and unwanted consequences.

Research has shown that excessive alcohol consumption can make individuals more vulnerable to risky sexual behavior, including unprotected sex and sexual assault.

In a study published in the journal Addiction, researchers found that alcohol impairs cognitive functioning and decision-making, making individuals more susceptible to risky behaviors that they might otherwise avoid when sober.

Protecting Against Drink Spiking

The issue of drink spiking, while relatively rare, remains a concern on university campuses.

In order to safeguard against this threat, students, regardless of their gender, should adopt proactive measures when consuming alcohol in social settings.

Extra Advice

Below is some extra advice from this publication to university students.

Keep an Eye on Your Drink: Always watch your drink being prepared and delivered. If you leave your drink unattended, discard it and get a new one when you return.

Stay with Trusted Friends: Surround yourself with friends you trust, and look out for one another. The buddy system can be invaluable in keeping each other safe.

Use a Drink Cover: Consider using a drink cover or guard to prevent tampering with your beverage. These simple devices can provide an added layer of security.

Know the Signs: Be aware of the common signs of drink spiking, which may include sudden drowsiness, dizziness, or disorientation. If you suspect your drink has been tampered with, seek help immediately.

Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off or you feel uncomfortable, do not hesitate to leave the situation or ask for assistance from a trusted friend, authority figure, or security personnel.

Empowering Informed Decision-Making

While it is essential to be vigilant in social settings, students should also prioritize informed decision-making in their romantic and sexual encounters.

University life often brings a mix of academic pressures, newfound freedoms, and opportunities for social exploration. Amid these experiences, it is crucial to remember that healthy relationships are built on mutual respect, communication, and consent.

One common misconception is that engaging in sexual encounters with attractive individuals automatically leads to meaningful and lasting relationships.

While such encounters can be enjoyable and fulfilling, they do not guarantee the development of a lasting connection.

It is essential to understand that physical attraction is just one facet of a thriving relationship, and taking the time to get to know someone on a deeper level is equally important.

Building Healthy Relationships

Here are some principles to keep in mind when navigating romantic and sexual relationships during your university years:

Consent is Key: Always seek and respect clear and enthusiastic consent from your partner. Consent should be freely given, informed, and unambiguous. Remember that consent can be withdrawn at any time.

Communication is Vital: Open and honest communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship. Discuss your boundaries, desires, and expectations with your partner to ensure mutual understanding.

Rushing into physical intimacy without getting to know your partner can lead to misunderstandings and unmet expectations. Building a connection based on shared values, interests, and goals can lead to more fulfilling relationships.

Establishing and respecting personal boundaries is crucial in any relationship. Recognize your own limits and those of your partner, and ensure that both parties feel comfortable and respected.

Seek Support: If you encounter challenges or have questions about your relationships, do not hesitate to seek guidance from trusted friends, counselors, or support services available on campus.

Safe Sex: If you choose to engage in sexual activity, prioritize safe sex practices, including the use of contraception and protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The recent increase in reported cases of gonorrhea serves as a reminder of the importance of sexual health.

The Soaring Gonorrhea Rates

The recent surge in reported cases of gonorrhea highlights the significance of safe sexual practices and regular testing. Gonorrhea is a common STI that can have serious health consequences if left untreated.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there has been a concerning rise in antibiotic-resistant strains of gonorrhea, making prevention and early detection even more critical.

In a study published in JAMA Network Open, researchers reported a substantial increase in gonorrhea cases among young adults, particularly those aged 15 to 24. The study underscores the need for comprehensive sexual education, regular testing, and safe sex practices among university students.

The university experience is a time of growth, exploration, and self-discovery. While embracing the newfound freedoms and opportunities that come with this phase of life, it is crucial for students, especially females, to prioritize their safety, informed decision-making, and the nurturing of meaningful relationships.

Historical lessons and research findings have shed light on the challenges that students may face in social settings. By staying vigilant and adopting proactive measures, individuals can protect themselves against potential risks, including drink spiking.

At the same time, it is essential to remember that meaningful relationships are built on mutual respect, communication, and consent.

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