UFOs May Take Center Stage In next Trump and Clinton Debate

UFOs May Take Center Stage In next Trump and Clinton Debate

By Sammie Jones-

UFOs may take a dramatic stage in the third debate between Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, Nick Pope, the former UK Mod UFO investigator has suggested.


Nick Pope Former Investigator For The M.O.D

Nick Pope, who was the chief investigator on UFOs for the UK government, has  expressed the probable chance the raging topic of the UFOs will come up.. In a tweet, Pope stated “If Chris Wallace @FoxNewsSunday asks about UFOs in the third Presidential debate it’ll be the ultimate curve-ball question. #Ask About UFOs.”

His tweet came after one that stated  “The latest WikiLeaks revelations make a question on UFOs a genuine possibility at the final Presidential debate. An intriguing prospect.”

And this tweet was after an earlier tweet that read: “I hope Trump won’t use the #PodestaEmails to smear Hillary as a UFO nut.

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Mr Pope told the U.K Express.co.uk: “I hope it generates a lot of interest.

“Given the recent WikiLeaks revelations and the persistent rumours of cover-ups and conspiracies, I think it’s time to clear the air and get this subject into the open.

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“Also, given the toxicity of the campaign and the aggression in the second debate, a question on UFOs wouldn’t just be interesting, it would be fun – and I think that’s what US politics needs right now.”



If the topic of UFOs come up in the next debate, it will represent one of the most interesting and hotly discussed issues about the reality of extra terrestrial beings  in the universe.

Pope has published several materials about UFOs from a wide range of knowledge he gathered during his experience on UFOs. The eye of media communicated with Nick pope about a month ago,  he expressed skepticism that Obama will release any disclosure on UFOs before he leaves office.  However, Pope believes disclosure is necessary and important, but does not see it as a straight forward process.

Some believed Donald Trump could raise the issue of UFOs which emerged as part of the leaked information released by Wikileaks, to unsettle Clinton. It could prove a bit of a challenge for her, but when we consider the fact she promised to get to the bottom of the matter last January, she shouldn’t have much to worry about. Especially as sh is believed to have tried to get her husband, Bill Clinton to disclose it when he was in office. It could be very interesting to see exactly things play out if this fascinating topic is raised.

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