School children as young as young as 8 have been caught with drugs on school premises, according to new figures. New data obtained from the press Association under the freedom of Information Act is a damning indictment on the development of kids in Britain.  The information reveals that the use of illegal drugs is a lot more common amongst young kids than may have naturally been assumed. Drugs seized of children include Cocaine, heroine, MDMA, LSD, amphetamine, ecstasy, in what teachers have described as a ”worry” and ”the tip of the ice burg of what children are encountering in the streets. An 8 and 9 year old were caught with Cannabis in Staffordshire primary school were caught with Cannabis. Class A drugs including Cocaine and heroine were among illegal substances seized in more than 2,000 cases. In Manchester, a 14 year old was caught with £500 worth of heroine, and was just one of hundreds others similarly caught with Heroine. The reading of the data is most shocking
It questions the quality of training a lot of parents are given their children if at such young age they are already messing with drugs. The suggestion is that children who get into drugs at a young age are influenced by their peers or have low self esteem.  Rational enough for a logical connection between the participant and the cause , but more pertinent is the reason if the peers of an 8, 9 year old or even 11 year old is experimenting with cannabis or crack cocaine. Children at that age ought to be very innocent, oblivious of the drug and the perceived pleasure that accompanies it’s use. That’s in an ideal world. In the real world, they need to be educated about it from a young age given the wide spread of drug use in today’s society.  We will hardly expect a regular Cannabis user to  go out of their way to lecture their kids about the dangers of Cannabis since they don’t find it dangerous themselves. The data showed that it was not just school children found with drugs on school premises.
A 30 year old parent once brought 20 tranquillisers into a Lancashire school premises,  and a 19 year old mother in  Leicester was caught with cannabis. These are not the type of parents that can pass on a lot of good training to their children; parents caught in their children’s school with drugs!consumption of a nice joint while their son or daughter watches television. We will hardly expect a regular Cannabis user to  go out of their way to lecture their kids about the dangers of Cannabis since they don’t find it dangerous themselves. Many 8 or 9 year old’s would have sat in the same room as their adult parent watching their favourite programme, whilst mummy or daddy, or both, puff calmly on a nice joint.
Yet, in this negligence lies the danger. Your kid might not only feel familiar with the smell by the time he is offered it by his mates, but may also want to show that he or she has been well acquainted with the drug longer than the school mate offering it to him.  Herein sometimes is where the strive for identity or belonging blurs the child’s judgement as he gives in to the pressure to conform and be accepted.  Parent’s who use cannabis should be wise enough to at least ensure that young kids are out of sight whilst they are smoking it, but then that may be most of the time, might it not? Reality is that most families do not have the right level of personal development to warn their children of the dangers of drug use. The real danger may not be using cannabis , but the vulnerability of the child not to know where to draw boundaries. This is the reason it becomes extremely important for parents take time out to educate their children about drugs. In saying this, a huge duty should be on teachers to put this education in their children from an early age in primary school and teach tem in depth about all drugs and the dangers. The rewards would be to see children in this country mature before they make a decision on what drugs they will try since they will be old enough to take responsibility for any choices they make whether they be smart or stupid choices.
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