Stalker Met Police Officer Sacked Following Conviction For Harassing Ex Girlfriend

Stalker Met Police Officer Sacked Following Conviction For Harassing Ex Girlfriend

By James Simons-

A Stalker Met Police officer sacked after harassing ex-girlfriend
.Jonathan Simon, 44, met his victim when he was on duty in May 2021 and began a relationship with her.

Mr Simon refused to accept the relationship was over by repeatedly visited her home, sometimes while he was on duty with the Met.

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On one occasion he turned up at her home and then at her workplace, suggesting that her window was open in an attempt to get her to speak to him.

Simon also left her messages and voicemails despite having been told she did not want to see him anymore.

He was found guilty of stalking following a two-day trial at Westminster Magistrates’ Court but he avoided an immediate prison sentence.

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Instead he was given a suspended sentence of 16 weeks, suspended for two years.

A Met Police panel on Thursday found him guilty of gross misconduct.

Assistant Commissioner Barbara Gray said: “In behaving as he did, PC Simon caused significant distress to the victim, as documented within her statements.

“The fact that he used his position as a police officer to commit the offence, is extremely serious. He had initially attended the victim’s address as she had contacted the police for assistance.

“The harm caused to victims by violence against women and girls is immeasurable. Domestic violence cases are a very high-priority to both the MPS and within policing nationally and the fact that PC Simon is guilty of such an offence and was able to serve within the MPS is very likely to considerably damage the MPS’s reputation.”

Simon was dismissed without notice.

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