By Charlotte Webster-
Sadomasochism is a twisted and illegal form of pleasure that should never really be entertained in any relationship.Sadomasochism can be defined as the giving or receiving of sexual pleasure derived from the infliction or reception of pain.
Individuals who practise extreme form of sadomasochism are flirting with danger and may be dangerous people to deal with.Freud described the tendency to inflict and receive pain during intercourse is ‘the most common and important of all perversions’, and attributed it to incomplete or aberrant psychological development in early childhood.
The killing of university graduate, Grace Miller, highlights the danger of online dating, despite its widespread practise an appeal. Indeed, any random person can turn out to be dangerous, but men and women who indulge in sadomasochism practices can potentially be a danger to themselves and others.
Whilst a murder trial is ongoing and no presumption of guilt can be made before the completion of the case, the defendant accused of Ms Miller’s murder claims to have engaged in sadamasochist sex with his eventual victim. His claim that the murdered woman invited him to participate in such activity is the subject of the murder trial, but an account by another girl who claimed the same defendant tried to suffocate her during sex suggests the defendant may have had sadistic tendencies .
Sexual relationships are supposed to be mutually loving and enjoyable, but many sadamoschist find the objectifying of their partners as replacing the commitment that comes with emotional intimacy.