Researcher’s Claims Of Four Malicious Extraterrestrial Civilizations In Milky Way

Researcher’s Claims Of Four Malicious Extraterrestrial Civilizations In Milky Way

By Aaron Miller-

A researcher’s claim that there are four malicious extra-terrestrial civilisations’  in the Milky Way is being scrutinised by other academics.

PhD student Alberto Caballero(pictured) has published his theory detailing how many other  malicious extra-terrestrial civilisations exist, the implication being their ability to maliciously influence activities on planet earth. The comprehensive study is being taking seriously by  some academics and researchers in the U.S who strongly believe that other conscious civilizations exist, which humans are often oblivious about.

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Every new theory declared about alien life is always of interest to today’s addicted ufologists who believe no stones must be left unturned in the quest to understand all the forces around and beyond the universe that influences the realm in which we organise our routine affairs.

And as articles like this gets shared on social media and brought to the attention of multiple alien lovers, the discourse will only get deeper, with potentially endless conclusions and  interpretations of how malicious other civilizations may be, and how many there are.

Caballero, a student of conflict resolution at the University of Vigo in Spain, said it has become ‘urgent to find an approximation to determine how likely it would be that an intelligent civilisation living in the exoplanet we message has malicious intentions and poses a threat to humanity’.

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His paper entitled ‘Estimating the prevalence of malicious extraterrestrial civilisations’, Caballero wrote: “Zero risk does not exist, and will never exist. However, if such risk is similar than that of other natural catastrophic events that could affect the entire Earth, then the advantages that would derive from finding and communicating with an intelligent civilisation could greatly exceed its drawbacks.

He is the author of a separate study published in Cambridge University’s peer-reviewed International Journal of Astrobiology earlier this month that attempted to analyze where the famous WOW! Signal originated.

“Ironically, this would be the case if the extraterrestrial civilisation is far more advanced than ours, which could allow us to improve our technology and provide humanity with significant benefits.”

He attributes the reason there has been no serious attempts to send a radio message to a potentially habitable exoplanet  to being because there has been no international debate to discuss the possibility of doing it.

He claims the absence of any discussion has been due to a prevailing fear in the scientific
community that the message could be picked up by a malicious extraterrestrial civilization. Such civilization could be more advanced than ours, and perhaps interested in exploiting the resources of our planet by force.

Caballero , who found a possible source behind the Wow! Signal – looked at the ‘frequency distribution of the countries that have invaded others between 1915 and 2022’.

In discovering that a sum of 51 countries had invaded another, he proceeded to assess the possibility of each country being invaded by weighing each country up against ‘its percentage of global military expenditure’.

“With a weighted average mean, the individual probabilities of invasion are then added and divided by the total number of countries in order to estimate the current human probability of invasion of an extraterrestrial civilisation,” he continued.

Looking at energy consumption, average rates of global invasion, the estimated number of intelligent civilisations within the galaxy and the probability of one having ‘malicious intentions’, Caballero resolved there is an ‘estimated probability of 5.52E-8 per cent that a seven messaged extraterrestrial civilisation – or a faction of it – would have hostile intentions towards humanity, as well as a total of 0.22 malicious civilisations.

His  paper is already being studied by philosophers and ufologists who are assessing the credibility of his claims. The potential existence of other civilizations is one many researchers are taking very seriously in order to establish their capabilities and limitations.

Malicious  extraterrestrial civilization necessarily have the ability to adversely impact this world without any necessary evidence of its influence. The question is how malicious can they be? Suspicions that some alien entities are responsible for air crashes or planes that disappear has been a troubling thought for many close observers of alien life and activities.

One question asked by a number of critics evaluating alien life is why such aliens will be very selective of planes they choose to crash or mysteriously disappear. The rational question has not yet yielded a convincing response, but some theorists say they will have their own reasons for each activity in which they indulge.

Interference With Earthly Realm

Committed researchers who have gone through swathes of evidence about aliens manifest in multiple forms like  Ufos have found that extra-terrestrial  entities can affect events in this physical realm. Strange Ufos for instance have been spotted hovering alongside the scenes of  plane crashes, and have also been spotted disabling

Turkish Airlines pilots said they saw an unidentified flying object (UFO) with green lights passing above their plane on Thursday, the same day when EgyptAir mysteriously disappeared.

The two pilots reported the sighting to the Air Traffic Control Center at Atatürk Airport, Istanbul, the local Haberler website reported.

“An unidentified object with green lights passed 2 to 3,000 feet above us,” the pair reportedly said, adding “then it disappeared all of a sudden. We are guessing that it was a UFO.”

UFO researcher Robert Hastings of Albuquerque, who organized the National Press Club briefing, said more than 120 former service members had told him they’d seen unidentified flying objects near nuclear weapon storage and testing grounds

The UFO activity reported in  such cases often involves direct and unambiguous interference with our strategic weapons systems, with numerous cases including reports of mysterious malfunctions of large numbers of nuclear missiles just as one or more UFOs hovered nearby.

Declassified Soviet Ministry of Defense documents confirm that such incidents also occurred in the former USSR.)

Hastings believes it is important to closely examine theories and claims about alien civilization because it empowers us to understand as much as possible about the universe.

Hastings told The Eye Of Media.Com: the greatness and awesomeness of our universe is such that we must explore all possible factors that  may influence the occurrences within it. If there are conscious beings in other civilizations that can protect us, there could also be some that can harm us indirectly. It can only be beneficial to examine all possibilities, surmising and testing as we go along”.

Some researchers have suggested that harmful extra-terrestrials could be responsible for unknown and incurable diseases, influencing  political dissension, war, and all manner of conflict Researchers have gone as far as sending messages through radio waves to aliens, some claiming to have received responses eventually.

Stephen Hawking famously said sending messages from Earth into deep space could get human civilization destroyed: “If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans.”

Hawking’s words have often been used to discourage the practice of METI, which is Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence. But how many “malicious” alien civilizations are there? And what are the chances any message we sent into our own galaxy would be received by an evil alien civilization? There is precious little research on this topic, and very few scientists have even posited a guess.

A new thought experiment attempts to at least venture a guess in hopes that other scientists will begin to take METI more seriously, and will try to determine how dangerous it actually is to try to contact alien civilizations.

According to this paper, which the author admits has “some limitations,” there are roughly four “malicious extraterrestrial civilizations” in the Milky Way, and we could likely send out 18,000 interstellar messages to different exoplanets in our galaxy and the probability of ensuring our own destruction would still be about the same as Earth being hit by a “global catastrophe asteroid.”

The same  author of a separate study published in Cambridge University’s peer-reviewed International Journal of Astrobiology earlier this month  attempted to analyze where the famous WOW! Signal originated.

Caballero says he had to make some assumptions that make it very difficult to know if his calculations are correct. To do the study, he researched how many external “invasions” there have been on Earth over the last 50 years, meaning countries that invade other countries.

He then took that data and applied it to the number of known and estimated exoplanets, and potentially habitable exoplanets, based on Italian SETI scientist Claudio Maccone’s estimate that there could be as many as 15,785 civilizations in the Milky Way. (The basic idea—extending Earthbound ideas of conflict into outer space—will be familiar to fans of sci-fi fare such as The Expanse.)

Low Probability

Caballero concludes that the probability of a hostile alien race invading Earth is low—very low. “The probability of extraterrestrial invasion by a civilization whose planet we message is, therefore, around two orders of magnitude lower than the probability of a planet-killer asteroid collision,” which is already a one-in-100-million-years event, he writes in the paper.

He also said that there is likely fewer than one malicious extraterrestrial civilization in the Milky Way that has also mastered interstellar travel, which would make them a so-called “Type 1” civilization.
In order to make an estimation, Caballero – who found a possible source behind the Wow! Signal – looked at the ‘frequency distribution of the countries that have invaded others between 1915 and 2022’.

During that time period, the researcher discovered that a sum of 51 countries had invaded another.

He then assessed the possibility of each country being invaded by weighing each country up against ‘its percentage of global military expenditure’.

“With a weighted average mean, the individual probabilities of invasion are then added and divided by the total number of countries in order to estimate the current human probability of invasion of an extraterrestrial civilisation,” he continued.

Looking at energy consumption, average rates of global invasion, the estimated number of intelligent civilisations within the galaxy and the probability of one having ‘malicious intentions’, Caballero concluded that there is an ‘estimated probability of 5.52E-8 per cent that a seven messaged extraterrestrial civilisation – or a faction of it – would have hostile intentions towards humanity, as well as a total of 0.22 malicious civilisations’.

”I did the paper based only on life as we know it. We don’t know the mind of extraterrestrials. An extraterrestrial civilization may have a brain with a different chemical composition and they might not have our empathy or they might have more psychopathological behaviors,” he said. “I found this way to do [the study], which has limitations, because we don’t know the mind of what aliens would be like.”

“I think unfortunately it’s still quite a secret topic, no one seems to be willing to talk about it,” he added. “There’s this fear of being afraid to send messages out there, but there’s very little research on whether it’s actually dangerous to do.”

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