Research: Ava Evans Infinitely More Attractive Than Arrogant Lawrence Fox

Research: Ava Evans Infinitely More Attractive Than Arrogant Lawrence Fox

By Sheila Mckenzie-

Ava Evans is more attractive for a woman than Lawrence Fox is for a man, according to a study recently conducted.

Over the course of 24 hours, following Fox’s disparaging comments about Eva on air , The Eye Of Media conducted a quick research by asking 100 random men and women who they found more attractive, holding a picture of each of the two, side by side.

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The aim of the quick research was to achieve an understanding of the public perception of Ava Evans and Lawrence Fox’s physical attractiveness.

The results were quite telling, with a vast majority going against the male actor. Interviewers are apparently planning to conduct a lot more interviews and select the most interesting responses for TikTok.

Our research revealed that a significant proportion of men,  61% of those surveyed found Eva Evans to be attractive. Her appeal extended across various age groups and backgrounds, with her striking features and charismatic personality being cited as key reasons for her attractiveness.

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Results for Lawrence Fox were less favorable. Only 33% of women in our study found him attractive.

Members of the public were not given any information about who the two individuals were, although some naturally knew who they were.

Fox is primarily known for his acting career, and his fan base largely comprises those who admire his work on screen. He has expressed no remorse for the comments in bad taste made on air, rather choosing to ignorantly criticise the channel for apparently abandoning its commitment to free speech.

GB News has suspended host Laurence Fox after he denigrated a journalist and asked what GB News has suspended host Lawrence Fox for awful comments in bad taste against journalist Ava Evans


Our findings come as GB News boss today told the BBC he was appalled by the unacceptable comments which were way past the mark.

Fox and Wootton have been suspended and the channel is being investigated by Ofcom, which received 7,300 complaints.

Today, a third prominent GB News presenter – Calvin Robinson – has been suspended by the station, after he criticised the suspension of fellow presenter Dan Wooton, saying: “Our bosses are scared. Afraid of Ofcom, afraid of the woke mob”.

Fox’s derogatory commented attracted wide criticism from commentators, and members of the British public, many of whom feel he is the worst person to talk about attractiveness or sex appeal.

Andy Mateng, 28 told The Eye Of Media.Com: ” Fox is just an idiot who should not be talking about looks or sex appeal.  He clearly was feeling very pompous at the time, and has now been put in his place. GB News should never take this arrogant man back.

‘Evans is reasonably attractive, and you can bet that  much more men would fancy her than women would fancy Lawrence Fox.

‘Fox has nothing to his looks or character, his money status are the weapons he has for quicker results, than anything else.

One woman, Emma Anderson , 25 said: Lawrence Fox has a cheek to ask the question who would want to climb into bed with Evans.

‘On looks alone, a lot more men would fancy Evans than Fox, all this shallow man has going for him is the fact he is an actor, If the mirror doesn’t make this clear, he needs a better mirror to view himself properly, that’s assuming his eye sight is good’

Another woman, Sally Meehan,  a 31  year old music teacher, said: ‘Fox does not come anywhere close to Evans in the look department. The fact he could even make those comments expose him as an ignorant narcissist with very little judgement

He is simply not in Evans league in any shape or form, and I am sure any research would produce results consistent with what I have just said.

‘The least he could have done is apologise , nit add insult to injury by talking rubbish about free speech’

Jack Wittledon , 31, an IT consutant, said: ‘I don’t think there is much argument that Evans is infinitely more attractive for a woman than Fox is for a man.

His comments were nothing short of arrogance and egotism. The fact he was selected to appear n GB News shows the channel in many cases selects its contributors based on name rather than substance


Eva, a model and social media influencer, has a massive following and has been celebrated for promoting body positivity and self-confidence. Her authenticity resonates with many, making her a symbol of beauty in the modern world.

It’s evident that a considerable segment of the male population recognizes her beauty, debunking Fox’s derogatory comments.

Her radiance and eloquence stands her miles apart from Fox, who is unarguably less attractive and endearing.

Whilst someone’s physical appearance dictate their worth or credibility? Clearly, Fox’s popularity as an actor doesn’t necessarily translate to widespread admiration for his looks.

Nicole Ryder, 24 from Hainult said: ‘Fox’s derogatory comments about Eva Evans must be viewed in this context.

‘His remarks not only lack basis but also reflect negatively on him. Instead of recognizing the beauty in diversity and promoting a healthy body image, Fox chose to perpetuate harmful beauty standards.

Such comments, especially from public figures, contribute to the body-shaming culture that affects individuals’ self-esteem and mental health.

Many supporters, while appreciating his acting talents, have equally expressed disappointment in his remarks.

”As a public figure, Fox should exercise greater responsibility in his choice of words and actions, said Matt Mason, a fan of Fox’s films.

”Being in the limelight comes with a certain level of responsibility. Public figures have the ability to influence and shape public opinion, and therefore, they should exercise caution and sensitivity when discussing sensitive topics like physical appearance.

”Fox has the right to express his personal opinions, it is important to remember that he, like all public figures, must know that there is a way to behave and a way not to behave, which is unacceptable.

His behaviour on air was very gutter like, and exposed the bad judgement of whoever selected him to appear on the programme.

Yolanda Atkins, a 30 year old  tutor said: ‘What sets Ava apart from Lawrence Fox is not just her physical beauty. Eva is undeniably more intelligent and dignified in her public conduct.

‘She is not only a model but also an advocate for important causes, such as body positivity and mental health awareness. Her social media presence is characterized by thought-provoking content and insightful commentary on a range of societal issues.

‘Ava’s intelligence shines through her eloquent and informed discussions on topics that truly matter. She uses her platform to educate and empower her followers, proving that beauty goes hand in hand with substance.

Fatima Prentice, 28 said: ”What makes Lawrence Fox’s comments about Ava Evans unduly ignorant is his presumption that he is in a position to make such judgments.

‘His remarks not only lack basis but also reflect negatively on him. Instead of recognizing the beauty in diversity and promoting a healthy body image, Fox chose to perpetuate harmful beauty standards.

‘ Cindy Taylor, 28, said: The expectations placed on public figures are not limited to their physical appearances. They are expected to set an example, to inspire, and to promote positive values

. Public figures have the ability to influence and shape public opinion, and therefore, they should exercise caution and sensitivity when discussing sensitive topics like physical appearance.

In an industry that prides itself on creativity, diversity, and empathy, Fox’s actions fall short.

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