Record Number Of Drunken Offenders Forced To Stay Sober Over Festive Season

Record Number Of Drunken Offenders Forced To Stay Sober Over Festive Season

By Charlotte Webster-

A record number of offenders with alcohol problems are being compelled to stay sober, with around 2800 individuals wearing alcohol tags

The Ministry of Justice reports a significant increase from the previous year, with approximately 2800 offenders equipped with alcohol tags during the Christmas and New Year period.

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The initiative aligns with the government’s commitment to double the number of people on tags by 2025 to enhance community safety and address the impact of alcohol-related violence and disorder.
Precision in Detection:

Alcohol tags, capable of analyzing sweat to detect alcohol consumption, ensure precision in identifying offenders who breach the ban on drinking.

The tags are specifically designed to avoid triggering alerts for foods containing alcohol, ensuring accurate monitoring of the offenders’ alcohol intake.

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The move is part of the government’s substantial £156 million investment in tagging technology, positioning the UK as a world leader in leveraging tags to combat crime and enhance public safety.

The investment aims to increase the number of defendants on tags from 13,500 in 2021 to an ambitious target of 25,000 by 2025.
Alcohol-Fuelled Crime Statistics:

Statistics reveal that approximately 39% of all violent crime in the UK involves alcohol, making the festive season a critical period for implementing measures to mitigate the impact.

The tags play a crucial role in addressing alcohol-fuelled crime, which costs society an estimated £21 billion annually.
Deterrent Success:

Offenders subject to alcohol bans by the courts have maintained sobriety for an impressive 97% of the monitored period on average.

Lord Chancellor and Justice Secretary, Alex Chalk KC, emphasized the importance of keeping communities safe during the festive season. He stated, “These innovative alcohol tags act as an important deterrent to offenders and come with a clear message: step out of line and you could end up behind bars.”

The record number of offenders being monitored during the holidays marks a significant step in the government’s ongoing efforts to address alcohol-related crime.

The investment in tagging technology not only bolsters public safety during celebratory periods but also reflects a broader commitment to reducing the societal impact of alcohol-fuelled offenses.

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