Protesters March Against Uk London’s Illegal Migration

Protesters March Against Uk London’s Illegal Migration

Charlotte Webster-

Protesters have marched against the government’s illegal migration bill in cities across the UK on Saturday, with organisers claiming thousands had attended.

Demonstrators carried signs and banners, some reading “no human is illegal”, as they matched towards Downing Street in central London.

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On a march to Downing Street, protesters, many of whom were carrying signs reading “no human being is illegal” and bearing trade union logos, said the demonstration is partly a response to  what ahs been described as the Government’s “inhuman” Illegal Migration Bill.

Organisers Stand Up To Racism and the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) also held protests in Glasgow and Cardiff against racism, Islamophobia, antisemitism, fascism and the far right. Protests in London against illegal migration Bill.Protests in London against illegal migration Bill

Protesters also gathered at Portland outside the BBC Headquarters in central london, chanting slogans like ‘refugees are welcome here’

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The controversial legislation introduced by Home Secretary Suella Braverman last week states that refugees who arrive in the UK through unauthorised means, such as crossing the English Channel in a boat, will have their asylum claims deemed inadmissible.

The legislation was established to control the level of immigration to the Uk.

If people were allowed to come to the Uk illegally without consequences, it would amount to a free license for illegal immigration.

However, the Home Office had a poor track record when it comes to racism.

Suella Braverman  was criticised  in January, after she abandoned crucial reform commitments made after the Home Office scandal as a “slap in the face”.

The head of the inquiry into the Windrush debacle at the time expressed disappointment after Suella Braverman confirmed she would not implement two key changes that would have increased independent scrutiny of immigration policies, and another commitment to run reconciliation events with Windrush families

Ms Braverman is on a trip to Rwanda this weekend to reaffirm her commitment to the Government’s policy to deport migrants to the African state.

The legislation introduced by the home secretary, Suella Braverman, means that refugees who arrive in the UK through unauthorised means, such as crossing the Channel in a boat, will have their asylum claims deemed inadmissible.

Coachloads of protesters were pictured on social media wearing masks depicting the face of Lineker, who was due to return to TV screens to present coverage of the FA Cup quarter-final between Manchester City and Burnley.

The broadcaster was taken off air last weekend for a tweet criticising the language used by ministers when discussing the government’s asylum policy.

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