Prostitution Is A Dangerous Evil Ruining Men And Women

Prostitution Is A Dangerous Evil Ruining Men And Women

By Lucy Caulkett-

Prostitution is a dangerous evil that must be fought because of the serious risks it posing to prostitutes and users of the illegal service.

Women who prostitute themselves are usually drug addicts, selling their bodies cheaply in order to be able to get their next fix. Desperate women with no self worth at all are unashamed of their continuous sexual practice with random men who most likely sleep with prostitutes as a lifestyle.
Most prostitutes use condoms for sex, but are very naive in their belief that condoms guarantees them full protection from diseases.

The men are equally ignorant , more interested about deriving sexually pleasure from women who generally don’t even shower and have all kinds of drugs in their system. Prostitutes make up a large percentage of heroine addicts who have signed a death wish through their reckless living. Any woman who can provide oral sex or sexual intercourse with several men unknown to her is a lost soul with a ticking time bomb on their lives. Dirty themselves, they care little about the fact a large number of men with whom they engage in sexual activity may have all kinds of diseases or bacteria which could harm them.

They will consider no harm more deadly than the one they inflict on themselves through drugs, and stoop down to gutter levels just to fulfill a dangerous drug habit sure to eventually lead them to an early grave. Money has been given the highest pedestal in the minds of these psychologically depraved women; the possibility of being seen by former school friends, family members, or family friends, is not a big problem for them. The single goal of making money through the most ignominious and unseemly way surpasses every other consideration. Prostitution is the profession of the female fool who will not find any legal way of making clean money. Relationships is often a very distant thought ; in many cases, aborted completely from their mind set. Any man they meet outside their working hours usually becomes a target of the money grabbing prostitute. Any sexual activity to which she consents will be accompanied with a request for money equivalent or close to what she would have earned had she been by the street corners where perverts lurk in search of mentally , psychologically, and sexually battered women.

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Each time a man pays a prostitute for any sexual activity, he indirectly expresses a lack of self worth himself. A right thinking man contemplates all the potential sets of incidences that could go wrong in his recklessly insidious endeavor. Condoms can burst, the infrequency of that occurrence for some men does not exclude the easy possibility.

Who in their right mind wants the saliva of a woman heavily contaminated with drugs or even sexually transmitted diseases? Worse still is that the intimacy of sexual activity is one that potentially generates an addiction and desensitizes the man or women to sexual practices that are plainly wrong and abhorrent. Building a customary habit to gaining pleasure from prostitutes is destructive to a man in every sense. The option of prostitution will always be there when faced with a challenging relationship or marriage, all because of a past or ongoing acquaintance with prostituting habits.


Returning from a trip to Norwich yesterday, a woman was crying after being raped by a potential client who refused to pay her after having sex with her. She felt abused, but did not consider her willful engagements in prostitution acts as amounting to self abuse. Technically, she was raped, but in reality, she was knocked by the man who wanted free sex.

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The man was secure in the knowledge that this woman would not report to the police because she was trying to participate in an illegal act. Yet, the man deserved to be prosecuted, but the framework for such prosecution is none existent. The woman told me this was the second time in three weeks she had been raped. On the last occasion, her attacker also robbed her of £180, which was a whole nights worth of her earnings from prostitution. She was undeterred by the experience and vowed to change her location and continue her illegal, self depreciating trade. She is 33 years of age and has three children, all of whom have been taken from her. What a sad life!

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