Phoenix Security Under Fire For Abuse Of Power

Phoenix Security Under Fire For Abuse Of Power

By Gabriel Princewill

Phoenix Security are under fire for abusing their power once again.

The eye of reported late last an incidence in which one of their door staff ejected a member of the public from a bar, seconds after the security staffs colleague had permitted his entry.
It turned out that the security doorman had a grievance with the gentleman six years ago; this being the reason for ejecting him from the premises.
The situation was brought to the attention of the eye of, and we confronted Phoenix Security about the incident.


Their management promised to refer the incidence to their human resources, but last weekend, after two months , the same doorman repeated his arrogant abuse of power at a different bar in Headingly , Leeds.
The new incident was again brought to the attention of the eye of Two other separate incidents of abuse of power by other security staff in other clubs in Leeds have been brought to the attention of the eye of
They are in the process of investigating those, and the two unrelated complainants of doormen securing different venues have agreed to be identified for the purposes of our report.
Similar complaints have been sent to us from Nottingham and Birmingham, and are all on scheduled to be addressed.


The unscrupulous doorman and his colleagues from Leeds remain under the misguided opinion that they have the authority to eject or reject people from any premises without having a reason- a tyrannic outlook espoused by many poorly informed security companies in Britain.

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The eye of will lead the campaign to eradicate this bullish and dogmatic stance widely practised on flawed on illegal grounds.
Doormen are legally prohibited from discrimination on the grounds of sexual or racial discrimination; discrimination based on gender is also not permissible.
This in itself highlights the fact that doormen are bound by law not to discriminate on any grounds whatsoever, including grounds of personal objection for reasons best known to them.
Yet, security firms tacitly believe they can sidestep those boundaries and act as they please.


Doormen are not allowed to abuse their powers and prevent individuals with whom they have personal grievances from entering a premises where they are. It is shameless bullying.

Security are only allowed to use their professional powers to prevent people who cause a nuisance or anti- social behaviour, from entering premises where they are employed to keep safe and secure.
Other legitimate reasons from preventing people from entering privately licensed premises open to the public include dressing that is contrary to the declared dress code of the venue.

Oysterian Sea Food Restaurant And Bar

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However, preventing people from joining others to enjoy a good night out because the doormen don’t like their look, or because they are an ex partner is incompatible with the function of their employed duties.


Exceeding the boundaries of their professional remit is something doormen have done with impunity for decades. It is arbitrary and unacceptable in a civil society.


The profession lacks the kind of intelligent direction required to enable those in the field to operate within the context and framework of their powers.

The eye of media will instill that direction and will liaise with MPs in Leeds and across the country to stamp out this bullish and foolish practise in the security industry.


All reported incidents to the eye of will be passed into managers of respective venues, who will no doubt see he unintelligibility of the manifestly wrong practices of doormen, and hopefully redress it. Our eyes are on them all.

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