Increasing Number Of People Dumping Partners On Texts And Facebook

Increasing Number Of People Dumping Partners On Texts And Facebook

By Lucy Caulkett-

An increasing number of people are Dumping their partners on Facebook, the eye of has learned.

The revelation comes following a number of reports of people expressing their heart- break online of individuals who have been dumped by their partners on text or facebook.

People who dump their partners online, lack the confidence to confront them directly. They also lack the empathy to appreciate the pain of being dumped so coldly.  Disputes in relationships should be discussed between the two partners, with a view to resolving them.

Where such discussions prove unproductive, the relationship should be ended amicably. Former lovers are expected to reflect on their original chemistry, and the good times they shared together at the height of their relationship. It must be assumed that every relationship was built on love, without which no relationship should be formed and be in existence.

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When people dump their partners so thoughtlessly, it not only shows how insensitive they are, but also confirms their love was never strong enough. It must always be noted that not all relationships are built on genuine love. A compelling suggestion is  that many relationships are the product of impulsive lustful nights that lacked any ingredient of love.

Passionate encounters can lead to the building of a relationship rooted in the habit of repetition and sexual gratification, without the added requirement of affection and love. The world is not short of people who profess to lack affection- a valuable energy for contributing to the spice of any relationship.

However, love , care, and empathy, go a long way to ensuring concern for their partner. Being dumped on text or facebook makes the receiver of the sad new feel unvalued and mightily rejected to  pick up the pieces from the bruise and wound of the uncaring act expressed recklessly by the dumper.

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There are some, especially men, who wrongly consider it cool and braggadocios to tell their friends that they have dumped their partner. This attitude should be shunned whenever we hear about it, even from our friends. The only circumstance that can justify online dumping, is where one partner in the relationship finds the relationship unbearable, and would normally feel intimidated to end or discuss the challenges the relationship is facing.

Domestic violence is one of those circumstances where online dumping may be understandable, especially if the dumping happens privately through their inbox.

In saying this, it is common knowledge that many express the strains of their private relationship by posting detailed complaints of the relationship online. Actions like this often play their part in causing the relationship to deteriorate, though sometimes a neglected partner may feel the need to express their pains to the whole world via social media

This is more so when all channels of communication have produced no results and the one suffering in silence wants to make their emotional agony known, in case a mutual friend may come to their aid in solving the problem.

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