Parents In UK Increase Loan Borrowing To Put Children In Private Education

Parents In UK Increase Loan Borrowing To Put Children In Private Education

Gavin Mackintosh And Sam Barker-

Parents in the UK are increasingly taking  out loans to put their children in private education.

This trend  is reflective of the cost of private education, as well as the cost of living crisis putting pressure on household finances.

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There are many good state schools in the UK , but a notable gap in the quality of education and development between state schools and private schools is often evident.

Not all private schools are better than all state schools since the underlying vision of each state school can be inspired by different factors and different individuals with a range of personal experiences.

Catholic and grammar schools often have a work ethic comparable to many private schools, with state schools a little behind and more tailored to what the average school pupil can adapt to,

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The Eye Of Media.Com is studying the patterns of development for both state and private school pupils during the summer period.

Research shows that more pupils from private schools attend summer schools than pupils from state schools.

Parents who send their children to private schools are usually more ambitious than those who put their children in state schools.

They are also generally more well off, but not in all cases.

Several parents cannot afford to fork out the demanding sums of money to put their children in private schools, but can afford to take out loans to fund the best education possible for their children.

Research indicates that the  average cost per child at a UK private school is now around £20,480 a year for day pupils and £34,790 a year for boarders, according to School Fees Checker, with fees rising around 4 per cent a year.

Costs vary dramatically across the UK, with London having the highest fees at £23,249 a year for day school, and £37,729 for boarding and tuition.

Private education has long been associated with high quality and exclusive learning opportunities. While the cost of private schooling can be significantly higher than that of state schools, many parents opt to take out loans to provide their children with the best education possible.

One of the primary reasons why parents consider private education is the promise of a superior learning environment. Private schools often boast smaller class sizes, providing students with more individual attention and support from teachers.

With this increased focus on each child, parents believe their children have a better chance of excelling academically and developing their full potential.


Private schools generally have better-funded facilities and access to advanced educational resources, including technology, libraries, laboratories, and extracurricular programs. Parents are willing to incur debt to ensure their children have access to these resources, as they believe it will enhance their educational experience and prepare them better for future challenges.

Certain private schools in the UK have gained a reputation for producing successful and accomplished individuals. Parents are often motivated to secure a place for their child in these schools to provide them with a head start in life, as this prestigious association can open doors to opportunities in the future.

Values And Beliefs

Some parents opt for private education to align their child’s learning with their personal values and beliefs. They may prefer a specific ethos or religious education that is not as readily available in state schools. For these parents, the investment in private education is a conscious choice to instil their principles in their children’s upbringing.

Children with special educational needs might require personalized attention and tailored educational programs, which can be more easily accommodated in certain private schools. Parents of such children may find private education loans as the only viable option to ensure their children receive the necessary support and care.

Many parents who send their schools to private schools are not satisfied with the local state schools available to them. Concerns about overcrowded classrooms, limited extracurricular activities, or a lack of discipline may lead parents to explore private education as an alternative. Despite the financial implications, they see it as a worthwhile investment in their child’s happiness and future success.

Private schools often have a well-connected and influential alumni network. Parents recognize the potential benefits of their children building relationships with peers from influential families, hoping it may open doors for their future careers and endeavours.

Some parents opt for boarding schools, which provide full-time education, accommodation, and support. Although more expensive, boarding schools can offer a unique educational and personal development experience, especially for families who may not have suitable day school options in their locality.

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