One In Ten Amazon Consumers Offered Bribe In Exchange For Positive Review

One In Ten Amazon Consumers Offered Bribe In Exchange For Positive Review

By Emily Caulkett-

A recent investigation by consumer association Which? has raised concerns over the integrity of product reviews on Amazon, as one in ten shoppers may have been offered incentives in exchange for five-star ratings on the platform over the past year.

This revelation has prompted discussions on the need for stricter regulations to combat fake and misleading reviews across various online platforms, including Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Trustpilot.

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The research, conducted in July 2023, indicated that 10% of people in Great Britain who had made purchases on Amazon in the previous 12 months received offers for incentives, such as Amazon gift cards, refunds, or free products, in exchange for leaving five-star reviews of the products they bought.

This finding suggests that approximately 4.5 million Amazon shoppers may have been targeted in this manner.

Moreover, 8% of respondents reported being asked by sellers to leave five-star reviews via email or other communication methods, while 4% stated that they were offered rewards for changing their negative reviews to positive ones.

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This troubling trend reveals that unscrupulous sellers are actively seeking ways to manipulate product ratings on Amazon.

Instances of individuals changing their reviews after receiving incentives have also come to light, further highlighting the effectiveness of such practices.

For example, one customer initially left a negative review for a product but later received an offer from the seller to refund the purchase price if the review was changed to a positive one. This alteration led to an increase in the product’s trustworthiness among potential buyers.

In another case, a reviewer received £50 in Amazon vouchers and a full refund for posting a positive review, underscoring the significant value sellers place on obtaining positive feedback.

The consequences of incentivized reviews extend beyond misleading consumers, as previous research by Which? revealed that positive fake reviews can lead shoppers to choose poor-quality products. In some cases, these products may even pose safety risks.

As a result, Which? has released a report calling on online review platforms, including Amazon, to implement robust measures to combat fake and misleading reviews. These measures would include comprehensive checks before and after reviews are published.

Furthermore, the UK government is currently consulting on how to address the issue of fake reviews. Which? is advocating for legal certainty within the Digital Markets, Competition, and Consumers Bill, with specific provisions to criminalize hosting reviews without reasonable and proportionate steps to ensure their authenticity. This would help deter fraudulent activities and bolster trust in online reviews.

Rocio Concha, Director of Policy and Advocacy at Which?, emphasized the need for review-hosting websites to take action against fake reviews and urged the government to make hosting such reviews a criminal offense, emphasizing the importance of regulatory action to combat the problem.

The spokesperson from comparison site added that the presence of incentivized reviews on Amazon undermines consumer trust in product ratings and called for decisive measures to address this deceptive behavior.

The impact of fake reviews extends beyond consumer deception and may have serious consequences, potentially leading to poor-quality or dangerous products reaching the market.

The investigation and calls for stricter regulations highlight the urgency of addressing the issue of fake and incentivized reviews, as it not only affects consumer trust but also poses risks to product quality and safety in the marketplace.

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