Nostradamus Trump World War III Prediction Is Unreliable

Nostradamus Trump World War III Prediction Is Unreliable

By Gabriel Princewill-

The circulating stated prediction made by Nostradamus that president-elect, Donald Trump will start world war 111 is not reliable.

There has been lots of literature on the internet and mainstream press citing the striking predictions of the French seer, who died in 1556.  Amongst Nostradamus’s most notable predictions were the rise of Hitler in the 1930’s the assassination of the Kennedy brothers, the defeat of Napolean, the 9/11 attack, and others.

  Nostradamus claims to have received his visions during ”angelic emissaries from God” when he fell into spectacular trances during night vigils. However, there are claims that he studied astrology and was into ocultic practices.
Nostradamus was a startling predictor of the future, reportedly couching his words in coded letters to protect the innocent from the wicked leaders who may recognize themselves in the predictions and seek to pre-empt the disastrous prophecies he foretold. Many of his past predictions have come true, and some future forecasts make chilling reading, so much that his avid followers hold him in high esteem with regard to every forecast he made.

Nostradamus  Interpretation Unreliable

However, the reference to Nostradamus’s forecast Of  Trump starting world war III is unreliable. Nowhere does Nostradamous explicitly talk of a world war realring to Trump. The seer seems to allude to a war under Trump’s regime, but does not indicate this to be a world war. But his staunch followers have been quick to interpret his metaphoric forecast to conclusively be synonymous with world war III, despite no clear statement of this.
 Besides, Nostradamus has made predictions way off the mark before. Among his failed predictions was his declaration that the world would end in September of 1999- a period when there was heightened tensions in the political world. In 1999, many feared world war 3 was imminent, and the political climate at the time indicated so. However, it was averted and did not occur.
 President-elect Donald Trump, who is two months  away from being inaugurated into the oval office won a spectacular election victory last week, one that has since been shrouded in cynicism and controversy. His ascendance to the throne has baffled many, and still raises doubts among many politicians and commentators. Derided in many quarters, Trump pulled off a most unlikely victory , with fears and concerns rife in many places.
President-elect Trump will have his advisers , who will be expected to offer good advice to Trump. We have to wait and see how he takes off, not  yield to interpretation  of predictions made  by Nostradamus, which may or may not come true.
Nostradamus’s most credited prediction was in his prediction of Adolf Hitler, whom he named ”Hister” as a dangerous tyrannic leader who would be the second anti-christ to destroy the world. The fact Hitler actually existed, and fulfilled Nostradamus’s prophecy has created millions of followers for him throughout the centuries since his death.

Nostradamus Predictions Startling But Unreliable

 Many of Nostradamus  predictions were startling but remain unreliable, in the sense that the inevitably of their occurrence as predicted is not guaranteed. Most of Nostradamus’s predictions speak of doom and gloom, suggesting at best that the events were orchestrated by mysterious dark forces that possess the actors in the future scenarios they predict. Those scenarios could have been consciously negated by counteractive actions and sober judgment. If we take all of Nostradamus’s predictions at face value, it is all bad news for the rest of 2016, even before president-elect Trump gets in power.
 The fact Hitler may have been accurately predicted by Nostradamus is not full proof that any of his writings alluding to president-elect Trump will come true, or that all subsequent predictions will always be spot on. Accuracy must include the idea that results are consistent. when assessing absolute validation.
Any extent to which Nostradamus has in past times been erroneous in his predictions, renders  his predictions unreliable, however persuasive other predictions of his has been. We want an impeccable degree of credible finding when researching the reliability of any quality, including the credibility of predictors.  Yes, they may cause pause for thought, but they are not reliable. World war 111 was initially meant to happen in 1999, now we are in 2016.
If future predictions were always reliable and precisely accurate, they would take away the ability of the individual to make adjustments and change an adverse future forecast. Man will not be accountable for his actions or omissions if predictions about his behaviour were inexorably binding.
Several factors not always foreseen can bring about change, advancement, or destruction. This article was written in response to many comments to this site about the topic, which the eye of does not find conducive to publish in the full scheme of things. Exactly when and if world war III will start, and who will ignite it, is known by no man.