Nicola Sturgeon Expresses Confidence Scotland Can Navigate Towards Legal Independence

Nicola Sturgeon Expresses Confidence Scotland Can Navigate Towards Legal Independence

By Tony O’Reilly-

NICOLA Sturgeon has said expressed confidence that Scotland can navigate towards a legal independence vote without permission from the UK Government.

The First Minister, who today launched a renewed case for Scottish independence, said she will update MSPs on her strategy “very soon” – with it looking unlikely that Prime Minister Boris Johnson will sanction a second vote.

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David Cameron gave permission for the 2014 referendum to be held by granting a Section 30 Order to the Scotland Act – but Theresa May and Mr Johnson have not allowed a re-run of the poll to be held.

The Scottish Government was dealt a blow when the UK Supreme Court ruled that two Holyrood bills, including one embedding the UN Convention of the Right of the Child into Scots law fell outside the competence of the Scottish Parliament – with judges ruling that Westminster’s authority over the Scottish Parliament was unquestionable.

The Scottish Government is set to bring forward Holyrood legislation for a referendum to be held, with Ms Sturgeon insisting her “intention” remains for the vote to be held by the end of 2023.

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As she launched her first papers setting out the renewed case for Scottish independence, the First Minister said she has made it clear to the Prime Minister today that she is “ready to discuss the terms” of Section 30 Oreder “at any time”.

She added that Scotland “must forge a way forward if necessary, without a section 30 order” – but refused to say what her strategy would be.

Ms Sturgeon insisted that “we must do so in a lawful manner” and will “give a significant update” to Holyrood on her plans “very soon”.

The First Minister’s comments came as she made clear it was “time now to set out and debate” the case for Scotland to leave the UK.

The First Minister stated: “After everything that has happened – Brexit, Covid, Boris Johnson – it is time to set out a different and better vision.

“It is time to talk about making Scotland wealthier and fairer. It is time to talk about independence and then make that choice.”

And she added: “The case for Scotland charting our own course, a better course, is strong and compelling.”

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