By Sammie Jones-
Members of the emergency services breached social distancing on Thursday night after hundreds of people, including members of the emergency services, gathered closely together at 8pm for the ‘Clap for Carers’ national gesture which recognises the work of NHS staff and other key workers during the coronavirus pandemic.
Footage revealed people lining the bridge near the Houses of Parliament. Metropolitan police officers have been criticised for the breach of social distancing rules. The breach raises questions of the extent to which emergency workers and some sections of the police themselves actually believe in the importance of social distancing if they could breach it in the full glare of cameras. The daily clapping for the Nhs is a moment of national celebration for their good work, but if the rules of social distancing are being taken seriously they would surely be followed at all times.
ln response to the criticism, the Metropolitan Police released a statement which said: “Officers, along with other emergency service workers, came together last night on Westminster Bridge to celebrate the work of all key workers.
“A large number of members of the public also gathered to express their gratitude.
“While many people adhered to social distancing guidance, it appears that some did not.
“We regularly remind our officers of the importance of social distancing where practical, and will continue do so.”
Image:Sky News