Manchester UFO’s Captured on video

Manchester UFO’s Captured on video

By Sammie Jones

Two UFO objects have been captured on video in Manchester, sitting in the sky and flashing its lights, before disappearing.

The lights were positioned side by side sparkling in a static position, before again disappearing. Manchester is not known to have had many UFO visitation, this one being very clear and catching.

The footage sent to  youtube secure team 10 channel, adds to other footage captured in the UK in Birmingham, Scotland, Brighton, and Newcastle- all in 2016. The two objects have been reported in many parts of the world, and are notably different from other ufos that are very mobile, moving swiftly across our skies in many parts of the world.


Video of Manchester UFO’s and more

It is very intriguing  that UFOs seem to be very diverse in their manifestations, making one wonder if there is a specific reason they are doing this. It may be a representation of many various things representing their varied functions and objectives which is hard for researchers to establish.

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Ufos are a very complex phenomenon with a definite purpose, not yet known. Recently, scientists claimed to have discovered what appear to be alien presence in the stars, demonstrating some  evidence of communication amongst them. Ufologists and experts are unified in their view that ufos provide definite proof of  intelligent life out there. This would suggest a purpose to their appearances and manifestations, one we can only speculate about.

Evidence used  from the various circumstances in which they have appeared  can be used to surmise their purpose and function. They have been seen  deactivating missiles before, for reasons can be said to be tp prevent those missiles from being active. The country in the possession of the missile that was de-activated has never been made public, but this remains an area of interest. Can Ufos restrict the missile capabilities or functioning of some countries? Or could the ufos have been conducting an experiment of their own to enhance their own capabilities?

A few months ago, a Ufo was also caught on camera very subtly causing an explosion of space X. Elon Musk, owner of Space X, devised  a rocket intended to launch satellites into space to improve technology. This particular rocket had been built for the purposes of spreading internet supply to many parts of Africa. However, one day, the rocket blew up into flames for no apparent reason. The only cause upon reflection via video footage was the sight of a small ufo like object hitting the rocket at precisely the same time as the explosion.

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