Londoners Feeling Safe After Terrorist Attacks

Londoners Feeling Safe After Terrorist Attacks

By James Simons-

Londoners claim to be feeling Safe, despite the terrorist attacks that killed four people and wounded over 50.

Khalid Massad horrified Britain after his deadly rampage in Westminster. His sickening attack was felt everywhere. Many Londoners spoke to by the eye of media.claim to feel safe and not worried after the pathetic terrorist attack in Westminster.

British authorities have foiled several terrorist attempts in the past and boast one of the best security in the world. This doesn’t in itself provide a hundred percent guaranteed of safety but gives Londoners the confidence not to live every day in fear of another terrorist attack.

Londoners like to work hard and enjoy life. One isolated unsophisticated terrorist attack is not enough to disrupt the everyday life of Londoners. Some Londoners will be concerned about the possibility more terrorist attacks are being planned, but it’s not worth the worry.

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Terrorists have always planned attacks against the city of London. They successfully co- ordinated a massacre in 2007, where 52 people died, but the latest attack had no co-ordinated plan in action. That’s because many plans have been thwarted. If it’s ever going to happen again, fear wouldn’t stop it.

The UK has set its security alert as “severe “, meaning another attack is likely. Likely doesn’t mean it will happen, and even if it happens, Londoners will continue to be defiant, and live life to the full.

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