Labour Mp Diane Abbott Fears Rape Or Murder By Online Trolls

Labour Mp Diane Abbott Fears Rape Or Murder By Online Trolls

By Ashley Young And  Sammie Jones-

Shadow Home Secretary, Diane Abbott fears she will be raped or murdered by a right wing extremist or social media troll, according to a book published with Amazon.  The book, ‘Women of Westminster’ which sells for £15.87 on Amazon, celebrates the 100th year of women in parliament. It celebrates the women who made an impact on British politics, and gives women all over the country a reason to believe they can rise to great heights of achievements.

According to Labour Mp Rachel Reeves’ book , Abbott believes her life could be in danger by right wing extremists and internet trolls who may have a picture of her on a wall.  Abbott, who complained bitterly of being the victim of racist and misogynistic abuse on twitter in 2017, and repeated her concerns about online trolls last December 2018. The Eye Of Media.Com began an investigation into her bitter complaints, which has involved engaging writers and editors in the media on the way they reported her complaints.

Communication from those members of the media contacted have been forthcoming in some cases, but slow or  unresponsive in others. Some have required more than one written or verbal communication to get a discussion going, but members of our team remain determined to obtain some answers, and challenge the media to always report all stories as professionally as possible.

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Since then, Abbott has had further complaints of racist victimisation during a question Time episode, leading to a serious disagreement with this publication when probing the basis of her complaint in that situation. The set up of her press team was separately listed for an assessment, but was met with opposition of sorts.


Yesterday, Abbott  used The House magazine to call for social media trolls to be stripped of their anonymity. ‘Twitter or Facebook should have your real name or address,’ she said Twitter having the real address of users is a none starter, but the idea of the real name of users being there by legal order is not a bad idea.

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The book quotes Abbott as saying it dawned on her after being told Mrs Cox’s killer had a room bedecked with photos of his victim. Abbott is convinced Miss Abbott that ‘someone out there’ had a room full of images of her – and she could suffer the same fate. The revelation of Abbott’s fear  on International Women’s Day is strange,  just a day after a Home Secretary Amber Rudd was forced to apologise for referring to the Labour Mp as ‘coloured’.

Abott is quoted in the book as thinking to herself thought to : “I have no doubt that there’s someone out there with a whole wall papered with pictures of me.”

‘When I was a new MP if you wanted to write an abusive letter to an MP you literally had to write it out, put it in an envelope, put a stamp on it, walk to the letterbox, and so maybe we got one racist letter a month,’ Miss Abbott said. ‘Now you can press a button to send all of this abuse,’ Abbott continued.

She added: ‘You don’t get inured to it, it’s very painful and personally corrosive.’ But she would not give in to her abusers, saying: ‘If I was to say I’m going to step down from Parliament because I can’t take it, then they would have won.’

Miss Reeves says that while many online trolls who attack female Labour MPs were far-Right extremists, some of the worst abuse came from Corbynistas.: ‘Previously, Diane Abbott thought that the chance of abusers following through with rape or death threats was slim. “I’ve always said it’ll never happen,” she told me. “But when Jo Cox was killed, that was really shocking to me because I had to face the fact that it could happen.”’

Moderate Labour MPs Liz Kendall and Angela Eagle were both victims of hard-Left hate when they stood against Mr Corbyn in the Labour leadership contest, she says.Miss Kendall was called ‘Tory scum, a witch and a cow’ while one email sent to Miss Eagle said: ‘If you become Labour leader… you will die  bitch… this is my one and only warning. Next time you see me I’ll be with a real gun or knife cutting your life to an end.’.

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