By Ashley Cole-
A jury was told today that murder accused Frankie Smith(pictured) has a low IQ and is highly compliant and subservient.
Eric Wright, a consultant clinical psychologist who has worked specifically in advising court cases for almost 30 years, told Bradford Crown Court that following two assessments he found Smith to have an IQ of 70.
The psychologist used different mechanisms of assessing intelligence to relegate Smith to the lowest bracket of intelligence.
Wright was giving evidence in the murder trial of 16-month-old Star Hobson on September 22, 2020, when Star died from catastrophic abdominal injuries caused by blunt force trauma.
Frankie Smith, 20, of Wesley Place, Keighley, and S avannah Brockhill, 28, of Hawthorn Close, Keighley, both deny murdering Star, and also deny causing or allowing her death.
The psycholgist used the Binet Simon intelligent test which focuses on assessing an individual’s verbal abilitites and their ability to respond effectively to situations and influences around them.
The average person’s IQ is said to be between 90 and 109, and Mr Wright placed Smith’s between 67 and 75, straddling the ‘borderline’ and ‘extremely low’ sections and in the bottom two per cent of people for general intelligence.
Mr. Wright used the Binet intelligent test co developed by Psychologist Alfred Binet, co-developed with Victor Henri , which focused on verbal abilities which, as well as identifyiing intelligence levels is also used in identifying mental retardation in school children.
Different IQ Tests
Different kinds of IQ tests include a wide variety of item content. Some test items are visual, while many are verbal.
Reliable tests vary from the use of abstract-reasoning problems to those confined to arithmetic, or general analytical prowess, alongside a depth of knowledge which evidences imborn intelligence at its different levels.
Mr Wright also conducted tests to discern Smith’s level of compliance and suggestibility.
He saod he found the murder suspect to be in the top three per cent of most compliant people, and to be of low to average suggestibility.He said compliance is “a behavioural term; it assesses whether someone would defer to a perceived authority figure, because they don’t like to upset them, and they tend to be more subservient”.
Smith’s score was “abnormally high”, and “there wouldn’t be many people less intelligent or more compliant than her”.
A low Iq will do no favours in excuse her if she is found guilty of murder.
Frankie Smith like everyone else has knowledge off the difference between right and wrong, and will be held to account according to those standards.