Historical Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Lodged Against Essex School

Historical Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Lodged Against Essex School

By Lucy Caulkett-

A storm of controversy has enveloped a Romford secondary school as allegations of sexual abuse by a former teacher come to light.

The Royal Liberty School is facing legal action from six complainants who have accused two ex-teachers of abusing them between 1981 and 1997. This unsettling revelation not only brings to the forefront the issue of historical sexual abuse within educational institutions but also raises questions about the broader systemic problem that has plagued  a number of British schools for decades.

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Sexual abuse does not occur in the vast majority of secondary schools in the UK, but has long been found to be present in a number of schools over the years.

The new complainant has signed a sworn statement as part of the impending lawsuit.

The sworn statement alleges that Quinlan and the other teacher “regularly abused me and the other boys in my class”.

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“On multiple occasions when I tried not to shower, I was dragged in by my PE kit, stripped naked and assaulted in front of other boys,” he continues.

He alleges that the abuse included being forced to perform sex acts.

It follows news of a second teacher at a Romford secondary school has been accused of sexually abusing pupils. Two ex-pupils have named the same man as molesting them in PE changing rooms.

One ex-teacher, Michael Quinlan, has already been repeatedly convicted of molesting boys from the school.

Two former  ex-students have named another teacher as abusing them as well.

Cambridge law firm Andrew Grove & Co Solicitors has sent a letter to the school, notifying it of an imminent lawsuit. The firm has called on other potential victims and witnesses to come forward.

The two men are among six complainants who are suing the Royal Liberty School over alleged abuse by two ex-teachers between 1981 and 1997.

Two ex-pupils have bravely named the same teacher as the perpetrator of sexual abuse in PE changing rooms. The two victims are among six complainants who have decided to take legal action against the school.

The emergence of a second teacher’s name in connection with the allegations underscores the depth of the issue.

Andre Tyndall, one of the complainants, had previously contacted the police in 2019 to report abuse at the Royal Liberty School.

His testimony against Quinlan last year and his subsequent decision to waive his anonymity to share his story publicly have paved the way for other victims to come forward. Tyndall’s courage led to another ex-pupil approaching legal representatives, expressing the desire to join the lawsuit. This new complainant, who works in healthcare, alleges abuse by both Quinlan and the second teacher, mirroring Tyndall’s claims.

The new complainant has signed a sworn statement as part of the impending lawsuit.

In it, he alleges that Quinlan and the other teacher “regularly abused me and the other boys in my class”.

“On multiple occasions when I tried not to shower, I was dragged in by my PE kit, stripped naked and assaulted in front of other boys,” he continues.

He alleges that the abuse included being forced to perform sex acts.

The History of Abuse

The saga surrounding Michael Quinlan sheds light on a deeply concerning history of sexual abuse allegations within the school. Quinlan, who was first accused by pupils in 2003 while still working at the Royal Liberty, was convicted in 2004 for indecent assault and gross indecency. Shockingly, these crimes included allegations of locking the school pool from the inside and forcing boys to swim nude with him. Despite his convictions, Quinlan continued to face trial in 2022 for historic offences, where he was found guilty and handed a suspended sentence. This history of abuse not only taints the reputation of the school but also raises questions about the effectiveness of the justice system in addressing such grave allegations.

Systemic problem

The emergence of these allegations against the Royal Liberty School is not an isolated incident. The British educational system has long grappled with the issue of sexual abuse within its walls.

The fact allegations like these have persisted for decades shows that stories of these victims shed light on the long-lasting impact of abuse on survivors and the urgent need for accountability and reform within the education sector.

The allegations of sexual abuse at the Royal Liberty School bring to the surface a deeply troubling issue that has been hidden for far too long. As victims come forward and seek justice, it is imperative for the school and the broader education system to take these allegations seriously and ensure that justice is served.

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