Heseltine Launches Flawed Attack On Theresa May

Heseltine Launches Flawed Attack On Theresa May

Lucy Caulkett-

Sacked UK economic advised, Michael Heseltine, has launched a flawed attack on Theresa May.

Heseltine, who was deputy prime minister between 1993 and 1997 criticised Theresa May for being one ‘ for turning, stating that she had failed to emulate her predecessor, Thatcher, who always said she wasn’t one for turning .
83 year old Heseltine, told the People magazine that he will continue to do his best to avert what he considers to be against Britans national interest , saying Brexit gives away our power and identity.

His attack in the UK prime.minister centred on the fact May campaigned for staying in the EU during the referendum , asking ” how can she support the EU only to layer say “Brexit means Brexit”.


Heseltine should be reminded that power is not meant to be abused in the way he would have done if he were prime minister. Theresa May is not in power to represent her original views in the EU, but to express the will of the British people cz who voted to leave the EU. This may be a hard reality for Heseltine to accept, that the prime minister is elected to deliver the mandate of the people.

Heseltine is convinced that withdrawal from the EU will affect the economy of the UK, but even so, the mandate should be carried out ali g with any consequences or benefits that accompany it. A hard Brexit is not the best outcome , talks should be on going for the best results. Brexit must still mean Brexit, because that was the while essence of having a referendum.

Heseltine defied party leaders in voting against Brexit , calling it ” an insult to the Nazi’s”. After helping defeating Hitler in the second world war, Heseltine said the UK is giving Germany ” the opportunity to win the peace”.

It’s all too political, the bottom line is Brexit must mean Brexit, and the UK and other EU countries should try and bring the best out of it .

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