Health Of Wife Of Jailed Former Drug Baron In Serious Peril Following Hospitalization.

Health Of Wife Of Jailed Former Drug Baron In Serious Peril Following Hospitalization.

By Gabriel Princewill-

The  physical health of the wife of a former drug baron is in peril  after she was hospitalised, due to  intense stress over a set of circumstances that has seen both her son and husband imprisoned, the latter at least for highly suspicious reasons.

Susanne Brown, 64, was rushed to hospital on the 20th of May, after her  pre-existing  poor health deteriorated  , worsening her stress levels and resulting  in her being rushed to hospital.

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Ms Brown suffers from severe nerve damage, anxiety, histerectomy, and is on multiple medications including propamanol, amatryplin, and  amnitriptalene.

However, her family says she hasn’t been hospitalised for over a decade, highlighting the severity of her present  situation.

The distressed woman who was given Morphin by  medics at Petersborough hospital and was subsequently bed for over a week, spoke to this publication this evening.  Her anxious  and occassionaly temperamental daughter, Tiffany, was involved in tense exchanges with a member of our team over this delayed coverage of the incident, claiming nobody was taken the family’s case seriously enough.

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However, she had previously rudely dropped the phone on the writer following earlier discontent over evidence of her mother’s hospitalisation after Petersborough hospital refused to confirm the incident, and after she refused to be photographed at all for our reports about the family case.

She has in the past agreed with our criticism of her MP Stephen Barclay’s senior caseworker, Charlotte Graham Cameroon , after she similarly dropped the phone in January when we first probed  the Mps handling of her family’s complaint.

Tiffany, a mother of one, has been actively fighting for justice against the probation service  for a few years now,  and has contacted a number of media publications  in the past  to investigate the grievance of  her family in relation to her refusal to be photographed as part of the story.

She said: ”I’m sorry but I was very angry, because it feels like everyone is messing us around, the hospital were given authorisation to confirm my mum was in hospital, but have been messing around.  My mother is in a really bad way, we have been treated like animals by the parole board, the police, everyone.


Susan’s husband, Marcus Brown, 63 was arrested by Cambridgeshire police in March, after he attempted to work discretely following a warrant for his arrest was issued by the Secretary of State.

His family are protesting his innocence, and have presented a stage by stage presentation of  the events which have culminated in their collective plight. They claim they are being subjected to a monstrous level of victimisation by the probation services , allegedly influenced by a few unsavoury characters who have a vendetta against the family.

Mr Brown’s case has been presented to the Parole Board for consideration, no specific time frame has been assigned to the final decision of whether he will be released.

Her family have expressed concern that Ms Brown’s health is deteriorating faand reaching precarious levels.

Ms Brown was able to speak to The Eye Of Media.Com, decrying an alleged corruption in the probation services she claims is damaging her health by the day, and  affecting her household who were forced to move out of their property, and downsize as a result of the recall.

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Prescription  of morphin given to Susan Brown.

The breadwinner of the house was recalled to prison in what this publication can reveal  strongly appears to be a corrupt process, allegedly to hamper a prosecution the family undertook to hold Greater Manchester Police to account for the imprisonment of their son, Aaron Brown, 33.

Suspected Danger

The drama with the probation services began after their son, Aaron, was suspected of posing a danger to the mother of his child, Jessica Myles, her then fiancee, Michael Wood, and his two parents. Police claimed to have intelligence justifying keeping him in prison, but the Brown family were provided no evidence of this, neither did his lawyer, Howard Beirnstein.

The family say they had been let down at every turn, including from their Mp, Stephen Barclay- now promoted to Downing Street. Barclay has been contacted by Ms Brown on three separate occasions in the past two years, to complain bitterly about a perceived injustice against her family, but feels she has met a brick wall on each occasion.

Ms Brown claims her desperate attempt to have the incarceration of her eldest son, who hasn’t seen daylight since 2016. She  alleges a heightened level of corruption surrounding his incarceration, one they have been challenging ever since, but to no avail. Matters were so bad that they believe even Aaron’s then lawyer, Howard Beirnstein was complicit in the corruption against his case.

She told The Eye Of Media.Com: ”I am feeling really ill and disheartened, and condition is worsening.

”I am barely getting any sleep, I have been manging 3-4 hours a night for a long time now, she said

I can only get one good night in a week, if that.

”I think our Mp has been disgusting in his treatment of us, I went to him about Aaron a few years agom and he didn’t want to know. I told him my grandaughter suffers from autospasm and we wanted her in a proper school, but he just ignored me.

”The fact my husband and son are both in jail for unjust reasons just makes my condition a lot worse.

I have watched this probation services act like a bunch of crooks, discredited in every way, and acting with impunity.

Never have I seen anything this awful in my life, I feel this is enough to make me never vote for the Tories again. How can a probation services under the Ministry Of Justice be so corrupt? I

It is obvious that they have simply targeted my family, and are getting away with it because they have the power. They knew we were trying to fight for my son’s release, and they decided to go for husband. What kind of system is this?

Legal Suit

The family has lodged a legal suit against the lawyer, whom they accuse of being complicit in corruption against them.  They also have a suit against Greater Manchester Police in the court’s queuing system. Mr. Beirnstein ignored their pre-action protocol letter, and did not respond to a request from this publication about the allegations against him.

Rather than be resigned to the fate of their son, official steps the family took to confront the situation appear to have led to the imprisonment of her husband, Marcus Brown, 63, on no grounds any fair minded observer will find defensible.

Marcus Brown has a  dark and unsavoury past, having been convicted for importing class A drugs to the Uk. His unedifying  background makes convicted criminals  like  him an easy target for maltreatment in a system that ought to be observing the rule of law, which entitles them to fair treatment in a court of law.

Mr. Brown appears to have been the target of a malicious attack, and his family’s rough side may have been an unhelpful contributing factor to his treatment.  They feel woefully vilified and marginalised in a case as clear as night and day.

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Aaron Brown                                                  Image:supplied

The shocking pattern of events have left Sue Brown feeling dejected and disillusioned, her health now appears to be deteriorating fast.

Compounding her situation is the fact that her surgery at Parson Green in Cambridgeshire lost her prescription three times in a week.

She said: ”I am feeling really ill and disheartened, by condition is worsening.

I am barely getting any sleep, I have been manging 3-4 hours a night for a long time now.

I can only get one good night in a week, if that.

”I think our Mp has been disgusting in his treatment of us, I went to him about Aaron a few years agom and he didn’t want to know. I told him my grandaughter suffers from autospasm and we wanted her in a proper school, but he just ignored me.

”The fact my husband and son are both in jail for unjust reasons just makes my condition a lot worse.

I have watched this probation services act like a bunch of crooks, discredited in every way, and acting with impunity.

Never have I seen anything this awful in my life, I feel this is enough to make me never vote for the Tories again. How can a probation services under the Ministry Of Justice be so corrupt? It is obvious that they have simply targeted my family, and are getting away with it because they have the power. They knew we were trying to fight for my son’s release, and they decided to go for husband. What kind of system is this?

Multiple Medications

Ms Brown is on multiple medications to help her address her multiple conditions.  She takes propanol, Coedmal,  diazapham and anitraptalene.

Aaron Brown was jailed in 2016 under the flawed IPP system, after police claimed to have intelligence that he posed a danger to the mother of his child, Jessica Myles. her former boyfriend, Michael Wood, and Mr. Woods two parents. The aforementioned four were all sent Osman warnings indicating a threat to their lives, without any substantive grounds.

Greater Manchester Police have not replied to multiple requests  from this publication for an outline of the situation that has befallen the Brown family.


The family insist their family is being unfairly targeted, and the imprisonment  of  both  father and son are without any legitimate foundation. They had sent repeated questions to the probation services , seeking justification of the grounds for his continued detention without a shred of evidence against him besides hearsay.

Marcus Brown was jailed for 16 1/2 years in 2005 for attempting to import kilos of class A drugs, and was released on parole in 2017, after serving half of his prison time.

Criminal Charge

In December 2020, Marcus Brown was charged for conspiracy to supply class A drugs, to months after the original incident in which drugs were found in a vehicle being driven by his son in law, James Davis which was registered in his company. Mr Davis accepted full responsibility for the drugs, and faces jail in a trial this October. He has 137 previous convictions.

The fact Mr Davis was driving the vehicle registered in the family business of the Brown’s, put Marcus Brown in the frame, but no drugs was found on  him on the day in question, and his family says it was a matter of s heer co-incidence that the pair were in the same vicinity that day.

Mr. Brown was not arrested that day, rather cops sent a charge sheet in the post two months later, and he continued to be on parole and attend his parole meetings for another year without any incident

However, when in December 2021,  everything suddenly changed. He decided to complain officially to Greater Manchester Police’s professional standards, lodged a prosecution against Greater Manchester police, and complained about the probation services to the Ombudsman for probation.

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The first of those complaints was  sent to the Greater Manchester Professional Standards  on December 12, then on December 17, he issued another complaint to the Probation Ombudsman,  complaining about the probation services silence in relation to  questions about their son.

The Ombudsman actually opened an investigation into the complaint, but whilst that investigation was still in process, Brown was recalled when cops turned up at his property on January 21. He wasn’t at the property on that occasion, but was out at work.

He had attended a probation services meeting on December 21, and no issue of recall was raised with him then. Adding to the perplexity of  the recall was the fact the date appears to have been backdated to December 15th,  ostensibly to give the semblance of a decision uninfluenced by the complaint about the probation services to the Ombudsman on December  17.

Backdated Recall

The oddity of the recall is evident in the fact the date appears to have been backdated to December 15, ostensibly to mask the fact it was likely motivated by the complain to the Ombudsman about its questionable operations.

Mr. Barclay has always rejected calls for a more proactive intervention on his part to hold the probation services accountable, to be outside his domain- an avowedly inaccurate stance which is easily demonstrable.

The system of checks and balances underpinning the separation of powers relates to rulings by the judiciary, not alleged corruption- a serious charge as in this case.

Mr Barclay’s oversight of this case has been questioned by observers who feel  he has fallen short of expectations of an Mp when their constituent is in trouble.

The Ministry Of Justice, who boast one of the most proficient press officers in the Uk, have been lost for words in explaining the anomaly underpinning the dubious recall of Marcus Brown.

A letter was sent  to the Minister of Police, Kit Malthouse, who simply stated that the probation service that had awaited action from the police on April 2021 but that no action  was taken until December when there was a case review.

Kit Malthouse and Stephen Barclay both  appear to have conspicuously skirted the discrepancy surrounding the timing of the recall , which had all the hallmarks of a venomous vendetta against Marcus Brown.

The Rt Hon Steve Barclay MP - GOV.UK

Inadequate support: MP Stephen Barclay

Barclay’s office has referred the case to the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, but there has been no response so far.

Whether he is eventually released or not, this case presents serious questions to answer for the Ministry of Justice.

It  highlights a need for an overhaul of its system, calling for accountability  to prevent any circumvention of scrutiny.

Mr Brown had been working at the Felix Stowe Docks, which has high national security, and requires hand prints every single day alongside a special card.

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