Five Angry And High Youths Arrested In Birmingham After Shooting At Police Car

Five Angry And High Youths Arrested In Birmingham After Shooting At Police Car


Five men have been arrested for attempted murder in Birmingham whilst sitting in a police car in Ladywood.

The officers had been patrolling the area to tackle gun crime, according to West Midlands Police, when the shots were fired.
Birmingham is one of the UK’s most violent cities, and is competing very closely with London, Manchester and Nottingham. A majority of the disputes that
result in gun crime is believed to be drugs related, as youths hingry to earn fast cash step on each others toes in the race to dominate the drug market.

Birmingham is one of those cities where wealth and poverty exist almost side by side. Promiscuity is rife among the young, with tales of cheating and partner grabbing adding to an already violent city in many respects. Birmingham police, like most police force, are said to be very rough and ruthless with offenders and suspects alike, leading to a tense relationship between the community and the police. The polic ehave seen many gruesome murders there, and are too aware of the speed with which situations descend from bad to worse, ending in disastrous outcomes. Birmingham is behind cities like London when it comes to overall wealth and professionalism, but the city’s inhabitants fight hard to gain their own identity and be respected for their achievements, be it in the music or drugs scene.

Upcoming artists in Birmingham are many, with most looking for that big break to make it into the big time. Unfortunately, many artists and other ambitious citizens of the city dabbe in drugs in an attempt to speed up their chances of having money and acknowledgment. With drugs sale and drug consumption, often comes big egos and the associated need to oust others in their line of work . This leads to the obvious gang or turf wars in Birmingham, which can be quite bad. Shooting at police officers is pretty stupid, but the display of stupidity is not a rarity amongst many of Birmingham’s youth, especially those with alot of anger. One of our contacts in Birmingham told the eye of

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” many of Birmingham youths are angry for a variety of different reasons. Many see police as always working against them, and some know have even told me of dodgy police round here who sell drugs on the downlow. The brother of someone I know got caught with 6 ounzes of Cannabis early in the year, but police only declared 3 of them, what happened to the other 3? Everytime someone gets caught with drugs, it makes them indebted to their boss”. Pointing out that selling drugs is illegal and worsens society is never taken the right way by those in the drugs world who see this as their only means of survival. Instead, they consider any interception of their activity as an obstruction to their progress, and grudge any and everybody involved. Those guys who shot at police didn’t do it fun, they are angry youths”.

”Informers are hated round here, and there are plenty of them. They inform to get out of their own criminal issues, betraying the street code even though they themselves are no better. They obviously get dealt with by those who know them, but what angers people more is the fact that police officers are believed to set people up in many cases”. The eye of keep in touch with journalists in the Birmingham area, but also with members of the drug world, in order to gain greter insight into how they think and what happens. However, they are fully have our trust that we will not turn them in to police because that is not our job. Provided they don’t hurt us in any form, which is an unspoken rule. We like to understand what motivates them to get into wars with rival group, and see if they are ways of resolving their disputes that they never consider. Ultimately, drug dealers often attract police to themselves by fighting and robbing each other out of greed, or sometimes because rival drug gangs speak condescendingly of others or attempt to take people’s girlfriends from them as part of their ego trip.


Those with more money than struggling dealers show this fact off openly, and use it to get girls others ar einterested in or even in a relationship with. Matters like these can be solved through dialogue, but effective dialogue is not something drug dealers ar every good at.

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