Essex Mother Secretly Records Domestic Violence Of Father

Essex Mother Secretly Records Domestic Violence Of Father

By James Simons-

An Essex mother has secretly recorded domestic violence in the form of domestic abuse  from the father of her children and presented it to the eye of

The woman and the father of her children made national headlines when both parents were sent to jail for 8 weeks each for failing to ensure their children attended school. Christina Polley, who spent 8 weeks in jail after her children failed to attend school for a year recorded a stream of abusive language made by the father of her children to her in the presence of her children.

The father of her kids, Eddie Williams, also spent 8 weeks in jail immediately Christina was released. The pair live together but are not together. We have reported on the family a few times already and will continue to do so when we deem it fit.

The second to the youngest child is still not in school; her father does absolutely nothing about it even though he has been to jail for it.

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However, the eye of successfully arranged for her first private tuition at her residence in Southend, Essex, where she was impressive in her response, showing a learning capability of at least a year above her age, despite reports from her school that she has a reading ability two years below her age.

Name Calling

Among the name calling to her by the father of Christina’s children  was ”fat cow” ”smelly cow” and many others . The eye of has been intervening in the terrible family situation of the Polley’s that have left the children living in an environment of constant tension, arguments, shouting and screaming.

Many times the children wake up to intense arguments in the living room and respond by screaming themselves, in the process leading to a worsening of the tension, the eye of have heard. Only the youngest daughter is in work or education, and despite our firm instructions to both parents not to argue in the presence of the children, the arguments, sometimes violent, have continued.

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Christina herself has sometimes been party to the arguments, according to our findings, on occasions, taking up Mr. Williams about issues like leaving the children and going out(the eldest is 18 years of age) until the pair exchange harsh and insensitive words in the presence of their four girls. The girls never sit idle, they intensely get involved, screaming on the top of the voices.

The extreme conflict in this family is generally a daily occurrence- the eye of have kept close contact with the grandparents and uncle of the children, searching tirelessly for a workable resolution to the ongoing crisis of this family. Social services are involved in the family but are failing woefully in redressing the core issues destroying this family.

It is doubtful they are adequately trained to handle families with these extreme type of problem.

Besides, social workers are known to be generally overloaded with case work that they barely can find the time required to handle dysfunctional families of this type. The eye of has heard that Ofsted will be making efforts from next week to assist with the situation of their teenage daughter who refuses to go to school.

Eddie Williams is aware we are watching, documenting, and reporting the continued tension in the family and promises each time to refrain from such abuses but blames Christina for the reason it continues.

Efforts are being made to separate the mother and the children from their father in order for them to have a more calm environment for their development, whilst enabling arrangements for the children to see their father from time to time.

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