Entertaining Parrot Sings Identical Version Of Iphone Ringtone

Entertaining Parrot Sings Identical Version Of Iphone Ringtone

By Lucy Caulkett-

A parrot has been learning to sing an almost identical version of the iPhone ringtone.

In an adorable video Gucci, The red and purple Eclectus parrot, can be seen in a video being shared on social media.

The clip, obtained by ViralHog, shows off the parrot’s new favourite hobby, though it’s not quite clear whether she was trained by her owner to learn the tune, or whether she picked it up by accident.

The unique species originate in the South Pacific, and are native to a number of countries in the region, including the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and even parts of northeastern Australia.

Parrots are known for their expertise in mimicking anything, while other birds are capable of copying human speech.

Singing parrots can be a joy to the human soul, many people finding entertainment form parrots who can enthuse our souls with their talent  . A compilation of parrot hit songs on youtube has garnered multiple hits  and is also used to entertain children by parents who enjoy thosesongs.

The story brought to our attention by University student News publication Unilad Mental Floss, parrots are social animals that likely copy human speech in an attempt to fit in with their human companions.

In August, a parrot known to sing anytime its owner played the piano, accumulating several hits in the process. The footage was share thousands of times, as members of the public absolutely enjoyed the footage.




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