Elon Musk To Disclose His Plans to Explore Mars

Elon Musk To Disclose His Plans to Explore Mars

Aaron Miller-

Elon Musk, the Space X CEO guru, has declared his intention to disclose more details of his plans to explore Mars at the International Astronautical Congress, when Musk details some of these plans for the first time in a public forum.

The Mars Colonial Transporter which normally carries 100 tones of cargo workhorse spacecraft has been given a new name-”interplanetary Transport Transport system or ITS. The innovative genius made clear that he has no intentions of retreating from his grand vision of transforming humanity into multi-planetary species, even for a short time.

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Despite the loss of a Falcon 9 rocket and its payload during  a run up to a static fire test on September 1, Elon Musk is delving deeper into space. His drive comes from the accepted view in many circles of astrologist’s that other habitable world’s exist.
 The Moon, Venus, the asteroid Ceres, and outer Solar System moons Titan and Callisto are all habitable spheres where various species could reside. Although Mars has been the usual destination in historic times, ambitious Musk is vying for more distant destinations, particularly moons around Jupiter and Saturn, using the vehicle of the Interplanetary Transport System.
Musk recently said he “would not rule out the involvement of a UFO”.. when asked for his response to a space blown up by the mysterious object in Cape Canaveral which was seen on video passing by at the exact time of the explosion, destroying a satellite owned by Facebook, launched to provide Internet for remotes part of Africa, it was going way too fast to be a bird. The benevolent project was doomed by the alien attack on the space rocket. Elon Musk still cant find a reason as to why the space craft suddenly exploded. And the UFO theory is currently the only one, strange as this may sound.
His venture into spaceflights reflects a very ambitious mind, with big goals to make a huge difference to the knowledge and exposure of humanity.The future looks bright for space flight.
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