Drug Addicts Congregating To Share Pipes And Spliffs During Covid-19

Drug Addicts Congregating To Share Pipes And Spliffs During Covid-19

By Tony O’Riley-

Drug addicts are still congregating to share pipes in various parts of London And Essex, The Eye Of Media.Com can reveal.

Addicts in B&B’s slip into friends homes to share pipes and alcohol, as corner shops experience in rise in alcohol sales during Uk’s lockdown. In other cases, drug addicts too restless to observe the self isolation rules imposed on the rest of the country  have opted to make themselves comfortable with others of similar minds in people’s homes.

Capeesh Restaurant

AD: Capeesh Restaurant

Contacts of The Eye Of Media.Com have been covertly policing the behaviour of drug addicts in the Uk during the lockdown , by monitoring  a number of them through phone calls to examine their their activities.  In some cases, our keen writers and researchers have doorstepped some of them to check up on them, only for the researchers  to be told that it is not essential work.

In one case in East London, one of our researchers claimed to have been out to obtain essential goods from a nearby store, but decided to check on local addicts he became acquainted with at a distance for research purposes. The addict happily confirmed that he and his friends were breaching lockdown rules before telling the researcher to go home and observe the rules himself.

Addicts in Upton park have reportedly been mixing by Green Street  to share pipes on the stairways of accommodation in block of flats. Drug addicts in Manchester have also been gathering together to share spliffs and pipes in various homes, according to sources. Most lockdown breakers are in their late 20’s , thought there have been reports of several in their 30’s breaching the rules

Oysterian Sea Food Restaurant And Bar

AD: Oysterian Sea Food Restaurant And Bar

Suggestions to report breaching addicts to police were also abandoned after it was agreed that it was better to engage with various council and the authorities of bed and breakfast to speak with suspects of this breach and remind them of their obligation during this crises. Many addicts are being communicated to about the risks they pose to themselves and others, and some are responding positively to warnings. Some are being marked for future priority testing by concerned researchers who believe the likelihood many of them would have contracted Covid-19 is high.

The urge to maintain their kick drives them to their friends, in these times when drug dealing is most difficult for dealers who do not want to be conspicuous during their activities. Some of our sources offered to photograph the reckless misfits, but the shame and potential reprisals would be too high, it was later agreed.

Mental Health

Dealing with  individuals like these efficiently is the most important  way to address the failing in the most appropriate manner.Mental health issues are prevalent among addicts, leaving them with a feeling of hopelessness in a lockdown situation, when all they want to do is get high. Addicts in hotel accommodation can be effectively  be monitored,  by making sure they are not out of the hotel longer than a certain period .  Discussions are underway, whilst a plan is devised to keep them monitored and accountable in these times.

However, there are many others who are conveniently breaking the rules within the four corners of their home. They have no sense of duty to themselves or their communities. They are scared of their own shadows and are too stupid to find something productive to keep them busy. In an ideal world, every drug addict will be monitored during lockdown periods like these, to ensure their compliance and protect the public from their reckless lifestyle. There is a way to do it, but it is yet to be established.

First, we must understand the extent of their problem and work out how to either solve them or make sure we are not affected by them.


Image: Classified. The images associated with these story depict addicts during festivals, and not addicts partiularly breaching lockdown rules

Heritage And Restaurant Lounge Bar

AD: Heritage And Restaurant Lounge Bar

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