Donald Trump’s Official Signals White House Warning Against President’s Antics

Donald Trump’s Official Signals White House Warning Against President’s Antics

By Aaron Miller-

A senior Trump official has admitted that members of the U.S administration are working to frustrate parts of the president Trump’s agenda to protect the country from his “worst inclinations”.

The anonymous official told a New York Times editorial, that President Trump’s “amorality” and “impulsiveness” had led to ill-informed and reckless decisions. Arriving at a time when president Donald Trump is facing several domestic issues, both the revelation and reality is troubling news for the beleaguered president. Trump defiantly branded the anonymous writer “gutless” and the newspaper, a “phony”.

The article comes a day following revelations from Bob Woodward’s book on the Trump White House suggested that the president’s top officials have been engaged in an “administrative coup d’etat” to protect the nation from the president. Also revealed were claims that top officials routinely removed key documents from the president’s desk before he has a chance to sign them. Inside revelations of this nature appears to reveal a fragmented administration characterized by staunch supporters of the president and those who do not trust his leadership.

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The author says that he/she isn’t a liberal operative and agrees with many of the policy goals the administration is pursuing, but that those goals are being achieved in spite of – and not because of – the president. Accusing the president of a rude and petty demeanor, the author of the piece goes on to accuse the president of being unable to stick to decisions, possessing anti-democratic instincts, presiding over disorganised meetings, and an obvious loathing of a free press. The revelation is an embarrassment to the White House, but the president is no stranger to these sort of criticisms.

Trump would best be advised to closely examine the critical allegations made against him from his own workforce and seek to address the issues raised if any level of truth is contained in it. At a glance, the claims would be perceived to be credible to most members of the reading public at home in the United States and abroad. Trump’s contempt for the free press is well known, his detestation of any journalist or publication that criticises him has never gone down well with the general public. President Trump obviously believes the press are unfairly against him, but the entire world press cannot all be against him without cause. America is a big country with a miscellaneous press; some are in support of the president’s thinking and policies, but it’s not their fault if they are not as prominent as the main national press Trump can’t stand like the Newyork Times and CNN.

The unknown author from Trump’s administration may be trying to wake the president up to the realities of how he is viewed internally, to call for a change. A”two-track presidency”in which  the president’s actions  such as his conciliatory attitude toward “autocrats and dictators”, including Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin – are constrained and redirected by “adults in the room”.

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“This isn’t the work of the so-called deep state,” the author writes. “It’s the work of the steady state.” More worrying is the fact the author says that some in the administration have whispered about invoking the 25th Amendment, a constitutional provision that allows the vice-president and a majority of the Cabinet secretaries to vote to remove a president who is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office”. Trump’s press secretary described the author as ”a coward who should quit”. Instead of quitting, the unidentified writer will remain in Trump’s administration and probably spill out more revelations in the months ahead. Te best thing may be for the president to take a serious look at the issues raised and try to change any negative aspects he recognises.

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