Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton In Final Debate Showdown

Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton In Final Debate Showdown

By Ben Kerrigan-

Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton will have the last segment of their electoral showdown at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Both campaigns have been dogged with scandal and controversy in what has generally been regarded as the weirdest presidential campaign in modern history.

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Clinton, the wife of former president, Bill Clinton, has been bitten hard by the illegal hacking of her campaign chairman’s (John Pedesta) emails, leaked in tranches by WikiLeaks in what the US government has described as the work of Russian intelligence.
Trump set -backs are even greater. The unearthed tape by American journalist, in which he boasted of groping women without their consent, prompting a number of women to come forward with accusations of sexual assault against the billionaire republican, has been very damning.
Nine women who accused Trump of sexual misconduct over a period of 30 years. The allegations present Trump very badly.
The highly anticipated debate, moderated by Fox News’ Chris Wallace, will focus on six crucial topics: debt and entitlements, immigration, economy, the supreme court, foreign hotspots, and fitness to be president. The latter point will be crucial in showing how the two presidential nominees present themselves.


Trump, who has sounded alarm bells of voters fraud in these historical elections, mocked Hillary Clinton at a Colorado rally on Tuesday, saying she was “resting”. “It’s lying down and going to sleep,” Trump said, in his most recent ridicule about her health despite records disclosed by Clinton last month showing no significant medical issues.


America has accused Russia of interfering with the U.S elections, though it appears that the Ecuador government which hosts the internet hosting service of Wikileaks, has told Julian Assange, not to interfere with the elections. Assange yesterday announced that the internet of Wikileaks had been cut off, leading to suspicion that this had been masterminded by America. However,  the Ecuador government admitted today that they were behind the internet withdrawal of Wikileaks, and revealed their instructions to Wikileaks owner, Julian Assange, not to interfere with the elections. The Ecuador government said they did not want to be seen to be meddling with the American presidential campaign, and that Wikileaks could continue with its journalistic endeavours unimpeded.
However, Assange stated his belief on twitter that U.S Secretary Of State, John Terry, applied pressure on the Ecuadorian embassy to take this stance- something the White House has strongly denied. The more important truth is that unfair and ill-motivated interference with the U.S election is morally wrong.
How this instruction sits well with the Assange, given his right to freedom of expression guaranteed to all press organisations,is another matter. Despite the valued rights to free expression, such expression is always expected to be used responsibly, without any objective to immoral interfere with an important election process like a national election. The final debate in Las Vegas is expected to be watched world- wide, giving both candidates a chance to show their quality and suitability for the presidential candidate.
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