How To Deal With Boredom In This Day

How To Deal With Boredom In This Day

By Charlotte Webster-

Boredom is a problem for many people these days.

Lots of people have recently expressed boredom to my hearing in the last few weeks, reminding me how much of a problem it is in this day and age.

People who live alone claim to get bored easily at home, and even those who live with others have pointed to boredom as their source of misery when their house mates are away or at work. Boredom should not be a problem for anyone, as their are always many things one can do to stay busy.


Reading magazines or books is a good way to be occupied, and those who find that boring should develop an interest. Reading broadens a person’s s knowledge base and raises their exposure to various experiences of others articulated in a book or magazine.

There is alot we can learn from reading the work of others who have taken time to share their thoughts or talents. Other activities one can engage in to counter the misery of boredom include swimming, films, sports and exercise, and lots more.ost activities cost money, but those without the money or affordability to do things that can chat boredom can spend time trying to find the money.


Having a to do list after careful thinking , and following it carefully is a good way to counteract boredom effectively. There is always something useful to do and those who find themselves stuck should do a bit more thinking. As humans, we can be very complacent but that complacency can always be reversed by conscious and positive thoughts processes backed with action.

People should ask themselves what they can do that they haven’t done . Sometimes, calling an old friend or family member for a chat or meet up can be very positive. Good company is beautiful thing often taken forgranted .


Inspiration and direction can come from good company, and the solution to a stubborn problem may be starring you in the face. That friend or family member may just happen to have the answer to your problem. Writing your autobiography may be something you have thought of doing but never followed through.

There are thousands of brilliant and moving stories that have never been told simply because they have not made the time to write it or get a ghost writer to do so. The period of boredom is often a perfect opportunity to do something that needs your attention.


Most people deal with boredom by drinking , smoking or both. However , a solution that creates more problems is not a real solution, but a coping mechanism. Real solutions are fulfilling and productive , without the terrible drawbacks that come with bad habits that create health hazards.