Dan Wooton crisis: Renowned Actor’s Call For Mainstream Media To Investigate Wooton Allegations Or Be Labelled A Corrupt Industry

Dan Wooton crisis: Renowned Actor’s Call For Mainstream Media To Investigate Wooton Allegations Or Be Labelled A Corrupt Industry

By Gavin Mackintosh And Lucy Caulkett-

Renowned actor and comedian John Cleese(pictured) recently took to social media to call upon the mainstream press to thoroughly investigate the serious allegations of inappropriate behaviour made against his future GB News colleague, Dan Wootton.

In a tweet, Cleese expressed his concern about the many allegations made about Wooton, adding that failure to investigate it thoroughly would provide evidence of the press’s complete corruption.

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The accusations against Wootton involve offering money to journalist colleagues for nude pictures and being involved in the secretive recording of sexual encounters.

The controversy surrounding Dan Wootton began when he was accused on Twitter by his former boyfriend, Alex Truby, of engaging in inappropriate behaviour.  The allegations led to Wooton trending for weeks, without any mainstream media coverage .

His ex-partner, Alex Truby, claimed that Wootton had allegedly offered substantial amounts of money to several journalist colleagues in exchange for their nude pictures. This accusation immediately raised eyebrows and sparked a heated debate on social media platforms.

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Adding to the seriousness of the allegations, Wootton’s former boyfriend also asserted that he had discovered a recorded tape in which Wootton was purportedly paying an individual to secretly record themselves during a sexual encounter. This revelation intensified the public scrutiny surrounding Wootton’s personal conduct and raised concerns about the potential invasion of privacy and ethical breaches.

In a monologue to viewers at the top of his 9 o’clock show Dan Wootton Tonight, Wootton said: “I, like all fallible human beings, have made errors of judgment in the past.”There are dark forces out to try and take this brilliant channel down,” he added. Watch the full video below.

Wooton did not state the nature of the errors, in what could be seen as an implicit admission to the claims he offered tens of thousands of money to colleagues at The Sun newspaper for nude pictures of themselves.

Instead, he said: “Who doesn’t have regrets? Should I be cancelled for them years later? Or do you accept that I have learned and changed? Over the past few years I have grown professionally and personally. And I have found the meaning of true love.

He added that :”There are dark forces out to try and take this brilliant channel down,” he added.

His reaction came after the Byline Times revealed a three-year investigation into Wootton , confidently stating  that he had used a fictitious name to offer money for nude pictures.

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In hot water:  Vocal journalist Dan Wooton not saying much about errors of judgement.

The publication revealed that Wootton hid behind fake online identities to trick and bribe scores of men into revealing compromising sexual details about themselves.

The authours of the article, who were former colleagues of Wooton at the News of The World  revealed that for a 10 year period between  June 2008 and 2018, Wootton posed as a fictitious showbusiness agent called “Martin Branning” to offer sums of up to £30,000 “tax free” to his targets, many of whom were heterosexual men.

Mr Truby said Wooton had been stalking him and accessing his Gmail account from an IP address at the News Of The World Office where Wooton was working at the time. He also  claimed to have found an external hard-drive inside containing a secretly-filmed video of an employee of The Sun engaged in sexual activity with their partner.

The Call for Media Investigation

In response to the allegations against his soon-to-be colleague, John Cleese expressed urged the mainstream press to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Cleese’s call for action stemmed from his belief that the media’s failure to address the allegations could signify a significant flaw in their integrity and impartiality.

As a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, Cleese’s words carried weight, prompting public attention and discussions about the need for accountability and transparency in journalism.

The UK media has been under scrutiny of late, especially following the the despicable article written by Jeremy Clarkson in The Sun Newspaper in January, in which he appeared to incite the public to subject Meghan Markle to public humiliation by ”throwing excrements on her and shouting shame on you” and the shabby defence of it from some sections of the media simply because of their established dislike for the Duchess of Sussex.

There was then the shameful and embarrassing conduct of Phillip Schofield who was having an affair with a 20 year old runner for ITV, whom he met at the young age of 15.  This was then followed by revelations that a top BBC presenter, Huw Edwards, paid a 17 year old girl £35,000 for nude pictures.

All three cases exposed the open secret that there exist corrupt and morally depraved individuals in high places in the British media.

Further, all three cases have had  prominent people in the media try to defend them in the face of their shameful acts.

Grave Implications

The allegations made against Dan Wootton have grave implications for both himself and the media industry as a whole.

If as certainly expected, the claims are found to be true, they would reflect poorly on Wootton’s professional conduct and character. Engaging in such actions, particularly within a journalistic context, would be considered highly unethical and could lead to severe repercussions for his career and reputation.

One of the problems with the British media at the moment is that powerful men rely on their name and money to survive disastrous revelations that tarnish their character.

The media’s response to these allegations also plays a crucial role in shaping public trust. If the mainstream press fails to take these claims seriously and conduct a comprehensive investigation, it could reinforce the perception of a lack of accountability and objectivity within the industry.

The responsibility to uncover the truth and report it fairly lies at the core of journalism, and any negligence in this regard could damage the public’s confidence in media outlets.

The Importance of a Thorough Investigation

Given the seriousness of the allegations against Dan Wootton, it is paramount that the mainstream press takes a proactive approach in investigating the matter. Failing to do so may not only imply a lack of journalistic integrity but could also perpetuate a culture where accusations of this nature are swept under the rug or overlooked.

A thorough investigation would require journalists to gather evidence, interview relevant parties, and conduct research to corroborate or refute the allegations. It is crucial that this process is conducted in an impartial and transparent manner to ensure the public receives accurate and reliable information.

While allegations on social media should not always be taken at face value, they also cannot be dismissed outright without proper scrutiny.

In the case of Wooton, the allegations are far more likely to be true than not, and he has not denied the main details of the allegations, except to state that he has not been involved in  any criminality.

Investigating such claims demonstrates a commitment to the principles of journalism, including accuracy, fairness, and accountability. Moreover, it serves as a deterrent against any future potential misconduct within the industry.

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