Courts Fine Eight People Hundreds Of Pounds For Cigarette Littering

Courts Fine Eight People Hundreds Of Pounds For Cigarette Littering

By Tony O'Riley-

Eight cases involving litter related to cigarette buts were heard at Haverfordwest Magistrates Court today after individuals issued with on-the-spot fines failed to pay up.

Failing to pay an FPN can lead to the charge of littering being taken to court, where magistrates can issue fines of up to £2,500.

The two defendants who turned up were charged a total of £435 each – £150 in fines, £255 in costs, and a £30 surcharge.

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A further six people who failed to appear were charged £485 each – a £200 fine, £255 costs and a £30 surcharge – in their absence.One case was not heard because the defendant had already paid the fine.New laws fining individuals caught dropping litter  in Pembrokeshire,  were brought on stream in Councils across England in April 2018. The fines go as high as £150 depending on the level of littering, but can b reduced to £75 if paid within 10 days. The fines are issued by private firm District Enforcement on behalf of Pembrokeshire County Council.

They appear harsh on face value, but are a way of establishing necessary discipline among those who thoughtlessly drop litter on the floor without any concern for the dirt they contribute to the environment. Smokers who smoke in the street should have the decency to dispose of the cigarette bin in a nearby bin, instead of littering the streets with it, without any concern.  Smoking is very dangerous for the health, but those who choose to take the health risk will now have to consider the potential of being fined for littering the streets with their waste. Once caught and fined, it is less likely offenders will repeat their offence in future without thinking.

Many boroughs in the Uk have a policy against littering and will fine those who ignore the policy. There will be several people who are not aware of the policy, but that will not be an excuse to escape a fine for wrong conduct.  This sort of conduct show a lack of consideration for those who will have to put up with the unpleasant   sight of seeing lots of litter on the floor. A spokesperson from Pembrokshire County Council   told The Eye Of Media.Com: ”   littering the streets of Britain is a criminal offence and is not acceptable.  It is a scourge on our environment, one which must not be tolerated. Fines as high as £150 will be given out to offenders.  Those who fail to pay will be prosecuted.  Fines for littering send out a message to offenders and their acquaintances who hear about it that those who show no regard for their environment will pay the price of their behaviour.

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Authorities can also use the penalties to target vehicles owners if it is possible to prove rubbish has been thrown from their car. Litter costs councils £680m a year, according to the British Government.

Councils are free to set the level of on-the-spot fines up to £150 per incident, but minsters have warned the new powers should not be abused. Consultations with the Local Government Association and the Motoring organisation were made with The Environment Secretary before the laws were past last year. There are still many people who are unaware of the policy

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