Conservative Party Dropped Potential Chinese Spies From MP Candidacy

Conservative Party Dropped Potential Chinese Spies From MP Candidacy

By Ben Kerrigan-

The Conservative Party swiftly took action to drop two prospective parliamentary candidates after receiving warnings from MI5 that they could be potential Chinese spies.

This revelation comes as Westminster comes to terms with allegations of espionage following the arrest of a parliamentary researcher suspected of spying for Beijing.

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According to reports in The Times, MI5 advised the Conservative Party in 2021 and 2022 against including these two hopefuls on the central list of candidates.

The security service expressed concerns that the individuals might have ties to China’s United Front Work Department, an organization responsible for influencing global opinions.

Health minister Maria Caulfield confirmed that her party had acted promptly upon receiving the warnings about the would-be MPs. Speaking on Times Radio, she emphasized that any intelligence received was taken seriously.

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“The story that we have heard about today, about the candidates who the Conservative Party were warned about, swift action was taken, and they were removed from the list. They are not standing for election,” she stated.

Caulfield acknowledged the continuous efforts by various nations to infiltrate the government of all parties. She noted, “It does show that there are other nations always wanting to infiltrate the government of all parties. But we have shown that we take that seriously and act swiftly when that intelligence comes forward.”

An unnamed source cited by The Times mentioned that it had been “very clear” to the Conservatives that these candidates “posed a risk,” and as a result, they were blocked from the candidates’ list without being given specific reasons.

Responding to these claims, a Conservative Party spokesperson said, “When we receive credible information regarding security concerns over potential candidates, we act upon them.”

The arrest of a 28-year-old parliamentary researcher, suspected of espionage under the Official Secrets Act, has intensified the debate about the UK’s relationship with China.

The researcher, who maintains his innocence, was taken into custody alongside another man in his 30s on March 13.

The Metropolitan Police’s Counter Terrorism Command is investigating the case, and both individuals have been released on bail until early October.

These arrests, which were revealed recently, have raised concerns and have led to increased pressure on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to adopt a tougher stance towards Beijing, with some “China hawks” within the Tory party advocating for stronger measures.

The researcher in question had connections with senior Tories, including security minister Tom Tugendhat and Foreign Affairs Committee chairwoman Alicia Kearns. The situation continues to be a matter of significant concern for the UK’s national security and political landscape.

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