By Dominic Thomas-
Tension over resumption of in person classes in Chicago Public Schools is threatening the education of students, and requires urgent resolution.
The Chicago Teachers Union are calling for a mediator to step in amid an ongoing dispute with the Chicago Public Schools over plans to resume in-person classes for some students during the second quarter, which began Monday.
School clerks and tech coordinators represented are very uncomfortable with the idea of working in school buildings because of the pandemic.
The district is yet to set a date for its plans to bring students in Pre-K and some special education cluster programs back for in-person learning. However, the CTU said a recent survey of parents reveals an overwhelmingly rejection of the idea of putting kids back in the classroom until the spread of COVID-19 is under control.
A statement from CTU President Jesse Sharkey said:
“Seventy-two percent of parents in that poll said that community spread of the virus has to be under control before we return to in-person schooling,” CTU President Jesse Sharkey said.
The union has requested for the CPS to enter mediation with a third party, saying the district’s plan for reopening lacks transparency, and the district has not engaged in meaningful bargaining with the union over how to resume in-person classes for some students in the second quarter.
Chicago Public Schools spokeswoman Emily Bolton claimed the district is not legally required to bargain with the union over the decision to reopen, but is reviewing their request for mediation.
“We continue to meet and work with CTU, as we have all year, in the hopes they will become a productive partner in getting students safely back to in-person learning,” Bolton said in a statement.
Service Employees International Union Local 73 are extremely concerned about the health risks for its members at CPS. SEIU Local 73 president, Dian Palmer said:
“We understand that managing the school and parents’ expectations is a big job. That’s why we’re willing to share that load. If CPS would sit down and negotiate with us fairly, we could figure out the best way to get the kids back in school. So I’m urging CPS to work with the unions to help families and children thrive,” said SEIU Local 73 president Dian Palmer.
The dispute between CPS and CTU over academic processes in light of COVID-19 is causing serious friction.
Last August, the union filed a grievance against CPS, arguing that clerks and tech coordinators should be allowed to work remotely instead of in buildings they feel are unsafe.
An arbitrator ruled those employees should be allowed to work remotely when feasible, rather than be required to report to work in person.
The CTU has now taken the case to the Illinois Educational Labour Relations Board, seeking an injunction forcing CPS to enforce the arbitrator’s ruling and delay the district’s plans to resume in-person learning for pre-K and some special education cluster programs until the district bargains with the union over how to do so.
The request for an injunction has been rejected on the grounds that in the absence of a specific date for a return, no violation has taken place. They say negotiation with the union over terms of a safe return to classes once a schedule has been set.
The board is open to reviewing the case again when CPS announces a date for some students to resume in-person classes.
The district has said it plans to have students in Pre-K and some special education cluster programs return to school buildings sometime during the second quarter, but has not set a specific date yet. The second quarter started Monday.