Camberwell Protest Escalates Into Clashes As Police Is Called

Camberwell Protest Escalates Into Clashes As Police Is Called

By Chris Williamson-

Four police officers were injured after disorder involving protesters in Camberwell on Saturday

Camberwell witnessed scenes of unrest on Saturday as scores of public order police were called to a protest that escalated into clashes between demonstrators and law enforcement near a theatre in Camberwell Road, South London.

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Footage emerged online showing protesters surrounding police vans and brandishing sticks.

The Met Police spokesperson confirmed that tensions among the Eritrean community sparked the disturbance but did not provide further details on the specific issues leading to the protest.

Approximately 50 protesters were estimated to be present during the demonstration outside a private venue.

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In response to the escalating situation, officers on the scene were reinforced by additional police forces en route to the location. The Met Police spokesperson said: “Officers are on scene in Camberwell Road, SE5, where there is a protest with approximately 50 people gathered outside a private venue.

Additional officers are on their way to the location to assist with the demonstration.”

The confrontations prompted public order police to implement a Section 35 dispersal order in the area, granting them the authority to exclude individuals from the designated zone for 48 hours.

This power is utilized when senior officers suspect a person’s presence is causing, or likely to cause, crime and disorder.

Eyewitnesses took to social media to share accounts of the unrest. One witness reported a “big confrontation with police outside the Lighthouse on Camberwell Road,” highlighting that protesters had brought sticks and weapons.

Another social media user remarked on the unusual sight of a substantial police presence on a Saturday, stating: “Rare to see this many riot cops on a Saturday at neither football nor a demo. Loads more vans arriving too, something’s going on down Camberwell.”

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