By Lucy Caulkett-
A 16-year-old boy who earns £5k a month by selling design products he makes as well as investing in bitcoin,is to give motivational talks to teenagers and young people on insta live with this publiction on a weekly basis.
Riley Stokes produces a range of designs which he shares on instagram and attracts customers for them.
The young teenager also sells usernames and has developed a following on instagram as a result of his talent, a rarity among teenagers his age.
Stokes, who has a natural penchant for designing unique stuff on social media, often displays his work on social media and gets regular financial offers to purchase his work.
The young man from Ireland, who lives with his father, left school with just two G.C.S.E’s due to distractions, is nevertheless a very smart and creative young boy, now studying an IT course in college to learn as much as he can about IT.
Instead of spending his time unwisely like many teenagers do , the young lad who has a natural appetite for business is always thinking up new money-making schemes, using his innate ability to design things people want.
He is also a very caring boy, who lavishes his girlfriend with gifts, and has always been a romantic kid with a big heart.
He was brought to the attention of this publication by a member of our Thinktank, who is good friends with his father.
The young teenager from time to time photographs the money he has made and posts it on instagram, attracting multiple likes from his fan of followers
He also posts gifts he gets his girlfriend on social media.
His regular intersting posts has earned him 3,300 followers in a short time of using intagram.
He is popular among his friends, and his father is very particular about the friends his keeps.
Riley told The Eye Of Media.Com; ”I’ve been doing this for a while and discovered that there are many people who want special usernames which I can make just by thinking about them.
I often find people who will contact me to buy one of my designs or usernames, so it motivates me to keep cracking on.
I also decided to get into bitcoin this year and have made a fair bit of money from it. Bitcoin is not guaranteed, but it produces profits for me more often than not”.
Asked what he does with the money he makes, he said : ” I try to save about half of it every month and spend the rest on clothes shopping and food. I like my designer clothes and when I am out with my friends, I like to eat at the best restaurants, and pay for some of my friends who are not as financially comfortable as me.
‘I also spend a lot on my girlfriend when I am out with her. Any girl I am with always gets a brilliant birthday present from me, I treat my girls very well”.

His father told this publication: ‘Ryan is particularly smart and ambitious, but he will not be moving out anytime soon.
I have asked him to tell me how he is this good in making money, but it’s obviously a gift he has.
‘He must still realise I am his father who loves him, and take my advice on the important things of life, and so far, so good”.
He has somehow managed to earn more money that many people in a good job through his designs on social media, but I want him to concentrate with his college and get a certificate for it and make something of his life.