Boarder Officer Gets Six Year Sentence For Selling MDMA

Boarder Officer Gets Six Year Sentence For Selling MDMA

By Ashley Young-

A former Border Force officer from Ashford, Kent, has been sentenced to nearly six years in prison for his involvement in the sale of MDMA, according to the National Crime Agency (NCA).

Gareth Glen Davies, 44, (pictured)who served as a field intelligence officer for Border Force in Folkestone, was under surveillance since late 2019 after the NCA received information suggesting his involvement in drug trafficking.

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The investigation revealed that Davies was using his position to meet contacts and arrange the sale of class A drugs.

On January 21, 2020, Davies provided four MDMA pills to a contact as a sample, promising an additional 5,000 pills. This transaction led to his immediate arrest. During the subsequent search of his home and car, officers discovered weapons, including a machete, a Rambo knife, and knuckle-dusters, which he should have returned when he left the Prison Service.

Following his arrest, Davies was charged with offering to supply a controlled drug and supplying a controlled drug. He pleaded guilty to these charges on April 15, 2024. On Thursday, he was sentenced to five years and 11 months in prison at Maidstone Crown Court.

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Dave Rock, from the NCA’s Anti-Corruption Unit, commented on the case, stating, “Davies thought he was beyond the reach of the law, willingly disclosing information that revealed his criminality.

The class A drugs trade has a devastating impact on communities across the country, and Davies’ conviction today is a reminder to anyone involved that all those who play a part in it, however large or small, will face justice.”






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