By Tony O'Riley
Birmingham MP Jess Phillips has jumped on the bandwagon of a demonstration being staged by supporters of the people’s vote in asking for a second referendum.
The Mp has asked more people to join the demonstration and demand a second referendum amid the growing discontent about Brexit talks. Her invitation for support comes after an emergency Saturday sitting scheduled for October 19 was announced.
The demonstration will highlight the toll political delays relating to an agreement of a deal is having on many of the British people, but it is not likely to change any reality like a second referendum except in the event of an election in which the Tory party looses, or a vote of no confidence in the current British government.
As things stand, Britain is heading for a Brexit no deal, or an extension of more time from the EU if a letter from Downing Street is eventually sent to that effect. Prime minister Boris Johnson is keen to get The Uk out of the EU by the October 31 deadline.