The benefits if jogging are numerous. it is a useful exercise ignored by many but appreciated by a few. Everyone who loves themselves should find time to jog.

Jogging is known to decrease the effects of ageing tremendously. Many exercisers in the gym use treadmills, which us useful for weight loss, cancer prevention, and general fitness.

However, outdoors jogging has infinitely more advantages than treadmill exercises. The skin generates a lot more sweat during an out door run than on a tread mill exercise. Both exercises are brilliant for the skin, but you can’t beat jogging. Regularly sustained it battles and heavily restricts the development of wrinkles on the skin for over 30’s.

Even young people in their twenties develop gradual signs if facial lines or slight wrinkles between the corners of their nose and their cheeks. Regular jogging eradicates most if those lines and generally guards the skin from  rapid development of wrinkles and we ageing.

The benefits of jogging is best realised if one jogs at least 4 times a week. Jogging washes out all unwanted fat from the internal system, and is also proven to increase life span.

The benefits of jogging also extends to the therapy it gives the mind, by alleviating stressful thoughts and feelings, in the process allowing the mind to think clearer.

Jogging enhances the discipline to eat correctly, though this decision is always down to the individual. Healthy eating plus it equals healthy look and healthy thinking. It is as simple as that.

It is easy for us to use a busy world schedule or life style as our excuse for not going for a jog. However, sacrifice is a key aspect of discipline. Sacrifice may sometimes mean getting up a little earlier than usual to make sure you don’t miss your jog.

It may mean sleeping earlier so you can wake up earlier. It may even mean going for that run shortly after arriving home from work, before having your dinner. It will always require sacrifice, and a disciplined achiever should be proud of their ability to make worthy sacrifices.

Because it is sacrifice that distinguishes achievers from failures, and success stories from ordinary stories.  The benefits of going for a jog cannot be overstated.

Pic By Ernst Vikne from Skien, Norway – Evening jogger, CC BY-SA 2.0


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